3 No Fail Strategies for Promoting Your Business

In a funk because other sales people seem to be winning all the new business opportunities? It’s time to start claiming your share of the market. By implementing 3 key promotional strategies you’ll be able to enhance your credibility, get established as the preferred business of choice, and get super exposure even if you don’t win the business this time.

Here are 3 tips that will boost your business development promotional efforts and help you to get noticed.

Extra-Value Proposition. In developing your marketing message, it's very helpful to develop a Unique Selling Proposition, or and Extra-Value Proposition.

What is a USP? The USP very clearly answers the question, "Why should I do business with you instead of your competitors?" There are two major benefits in developing the USP. First, it clearly differentiates your business in the eyes of your current and potential customers or clients. Second, it focuses your team on delivering the promise of the USP, helping to improve your internal performance.

There are several questions to ask about your business to determine a USP:

1. What is unique about your business or brand vs. direct competitors? You'll probably find a whole list of things that set you apart; the next questions will help you decide which of these to focus on.

2. Which of these factors are most important to the buyers and end users of your business or brand?

3. Which of these factors are not easily imitated by competitors?

4. Which of these factors can be easily communicated and understood by buyers or end users?

5. Can you construct a memorable message (USP) of these unique, meaningful qualities about your business or brand?

6. Finally, how will you communicate this message (USP) to buyers and end users? Marketing tools to communicate USPs include media advertising, promotion programs (e.g., direct mail), packaging, and sales personnel.

Risk Reversal. In every business transaction there's a risk involved. 99% of the time it's the person or business who buys your service who takes on this risk. This risk is what prevents many people from buying.

Therefore, if you lower or eliminate the risk, your sales will multiply in direct proportion to the amount of risk you are willing to share with your prospect. Implement extended guarantees, free trial periods, and special introductory packages. The offer should be something so outstanding that you become the logical choice.

The concept is simple. As long as you provide a good service to your clients then Risk Reversal will draw prospects to you like a magnet!

Testimonials. The most effective advertising strategy ever is to put testimonials all over your marketing. The good comments customers give you are worth their weight in gold.

All of us see so much advertising that we tend not to believe much of it. If you say your services are great, not many people are going to be impressed about it. However, if your customer touts how they were helped by your services, well that is more powerful than anything else.

Make sure you go out and ask everyone of your past and present clients to give you testimonials. Explain that they are the key to helping you break the sales resistance barriers and that you would really appreciate their help.

Very few people will turn you down when you ask if you can put their words on your marketing materials. Most are flattered.

You can sweeten the offer by including their name, city, and web site address along with the testimonial. Not only does this help promote your customer, but people are more likely to believe a testimonial is genuine if it carries the name and location of the person who said it.

These 3 promotional elements are the foundation for an extremely effective business development and marketing campaign. Use them to define your sales solution, reduce or eliminate the prospect’s fear of the unknown, and establish you as the logical solution to their business problems.

David Wells is a business development expert, speaker, trainer, consultant and founder of http://www.emdco.com a provider of business-to-business lead creation, data confirmation and integrated marketing solutions. You can subscribe to "The Business Promoter's Tips of the Week" ezine at subscribe@emdco.com.

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