How Do You Shed Your Body Fat and Build LEAN MUSCLE?? Ground Breaking Research

Every day our bodies build and rebuild close to 3 billion cells and many of the raw materials used to achieve this are found only in dietary proteins. Protein is made up of amino acids, the building blocks of muscle. When we exercise muscle tissue is broken down. The body then requires more protein in order to repair the damage. Now is the time to ask yourself, "How much protein do I get in my diet?" For the average woman the answer is "Not enough!"

There are other benefits to consuming protein as well. A high protein diet has been shown to increase thermogenesis - fat burning activity in the body. Consuming a protein meal also has the ability to increase one's metabolic rate up to 25-30% compared to a carbohydrate meal that increased the metabolic rate only 4%. If we don't get enough dietary protein from the foods we eat, our metabolism slows to a turtles pace. As well, protein contains an enzyme that acts as an appetite suppressant, while carbohydrates actually increase your appetite.

Even if you do get enough in your diet, another consideration is the bioavailability of the protein you are consuming. Mother's milk contains the only "perfect protein". All other proteins are rated on a scale of how well they are digested in the body. Meat including chicken, beef and fish are quite high on the scale but for most women we don't get nearly enough in our diet in order to get optimal effects for tissue repair. Women tend to eat more veges and fruit than men but, unfortunately, most plant based dietary proteins (other than soy) are rated very low. Therefore if you are a pure vegetarian you will have a difficult time repairing and building muscle.

One way to ensure we receive enough protein is by supplying the body with a protein supplement. The most easily digested one's are whey, egg and soy. While all are excellent sources of protein, there are many extra benefits that women can receive by choosing soy protein.

Much research has been done in recent years that has unveiled the astounding health benefits of soy. Soya beans are cholesterol free, rich in fibre, vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids. Soy is a high quality protein that contains isoflavones (natural phytoestrogens). These isoflavones have been found to give heart and bone protection, relief from menopausal symptoms and protection from breast and endometrial cancers. Soy has the abiltiy to reduce harmful free radicals, build quality muscle, help speed up metabolism, and supply valuable calcium, folic acid and iron. It also lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. The FDA has even added it to it's list of health promoting foods.

There is still ongoing research to determine the ideal amount of daily soy to receive optimal benefits. Cultures who have a high soy intake receive approximately 50-100mg per day of soy isoflavones. Therefore, the amount of isoflavones is important when choosing a supplement.

There are times when soy is not the ideal protein choice. Pregnant and lactating women should choose a whey protein supplement until more conclusive studies are performed with regards to soy's effect on the baby's development.

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