The 5 Most Common Lies About Acne

Acne is a very common skin disorder. It is a sad part of the lives of Millions of people in the USA and many more millions in other countries.

The good news in that acne is a very "treatable" disease. It is possible to reduce it's appearance to the minimum, thus decreasing the scarring that in many cases appear in severe acne cases.

It is however very important to discuss the myths that surround acne and address them the right way. This way we can avoid false treatment and unrealistic expectations.

Here is a list of 5 very common myths about acne and it's causes:

Myth number 1: Acne is caused by diet. This is perhaps the most widely used myth. Let's make this clear right now. Hundreds of studies were conducted and not one of them proved that certain diet ingredients cause acne. not chocolate, not pizza, not French fries. However, one recent study shows a connection between milk consumption and appearance of acne. Another suggested linkage is between the consumption of high-glycemic foods and acne (soft drinks, sweets etc.). This also may explain the absence of acne in non-western countries. This link is not fully established, but is a good idea to reduce the consumption of such foods, anyway.

Myth number 2: Deficient personal hygiene. Acne is not caused by dirt. This is a common misconception because acne manifests as infection on the surface. the truth is that these infections origin deep beneath the surface, within the clogged pores of the skin It is advisable to clean the skin on a regular basis, but doing so will not prevent acne.

Myth number 3: Sex. So many myths surround sex, why not invent an acne-sex myth...It is believed that masturbation or celibacy may create acne. There is not scientific support to the claim.

Myth number 4: Acne is caused by stress. The ordinary stress of day-to-day living is not an important factor in acne. Severe stress that needs medical attention is sometimes treated with drugs that can cause acne as a side effect.

Myth number 5: You just have to let acne run its course. There is no reason in the world that you, or anyone else, should endure acne for a long time. Some acne cases leave scares.

After dispelling the myths and lies about acne, it's time to take action and deal with it. It is very advisable to treat acne as it is a very treatable disorder.

Visit our Acne treatment Ance Treatment website for information about the causes of acne, and how to trear it and banish is forever.

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