3 Free Ways to Promote Your Web Site

Let's face it, advertising is extremely expensive. Fortunately, there are some simple and free ways to promote your website without paying through the nose.

1. Join an Online Discussion Group

There are any number of discussion groups and bulleting boards on the Internet. Find one that interests you and is likely to attract the type of people who fit into your target market, join it and participate. Be as helpful as possible to the other members of the group, and don't forget to put a link to your website in your signature line.

2. Place Your URL on All of Your Existing Stationary and Advertising

Your existing clients may not know that you have a website, and won't use it unless you constantly remind them. Place your URL on all invoices, receipts, envelopes, letterheads and business cards. By the same token, if you are running an existing advertising campaign, ALWAYS include a reference to your URL. Prospective clients will appreciate checking you out before contacting you.

3. Talk it Up!

Mention your website in every conversation. Mention it on the phone, mention it at social functions, mention it to the clerk at the grocery store. This strategy works best if you have an easy to remember domain name. The more you talk about it, the more visitors you'll get.