3 Truths About Tax Lien Certificate Investing

Truth #1 – It is going to take some work on your part to succeed.

If you have done some research into tax lien certificates and tax deeds you may have heard some so called “gurus” bragging about how easy it is to make a fortune. While it is easier and safer than many investments, it doesn’t come without some work on your part. You need to learn about the business and you need to inest some of your time to succeed. The good news is that with less work than most traditional investments you can get substantially higher returns while exposing yourself to less risk.

Truth #2 – There are hidden treasures for those that are persistent. You’ve heard the stories I’m sure. An investor buys a tax lien certificate at auction, the owner doesn’t redeem, and the investor ends up with 25 acres of land for the low price of 68 dollars.

First let me say that these sorts of things do happen and more often than you think. I personally know the gentlemen who bought the previous piece of land for 68 dollars. But you can be sure that it did not happen the first time at the auction. With some persistence and a little bit of experience you can get better at finding the jackpots.

Truth #3 – Most properties at auction do have real value. There are a lot of reasons that a property can end up at auction. The common misconception is that most of the properties do not have any real value. True – there are properties on the auction that seem worthless, and to many, they are – but to the creative investor they are literal gold mines.

Think outside the box. Put your mind to work and you’ll discover that there are a lot of things you can do with the property that no one else wants. By being creative you give yourself an advantage over 99% of the people at the auction. Now cash in on it!

Invest some time and money into the business and you will discover that there are huge returns waiting.