A Super Simple Method To Turn Your "Sleepy" Opt In List Into A Heap Of Responsive Subscribers

Today you are going to learn to make your opt-in list SCREAM with subscribers who will eagerly await for every e-mail you send.

This method is kind of a "secret" that is kept from many opt-in list owners and I might very well cause some friction for giving this info out.

But that is what I do...give you the "no fluff and bull" approach to success.

Okay, lets get right to it...

In order to make your list "sing" you must interact with your subscribers.

You must make them "feel" like a part of your family.

To do this you can use the simple but powerful method of...Surveys!

Yep. Surveys.

This is your key to a proactive opt-in list.

In order to have a responsive list, you must know exactly what your subscribers want.

Here is how you can accomplish this...

Simply write an e-mail to your list and ask them very pertinent questions.

Ask them their "wants and needs".

Ask them what type of products/services they would like to see in your publication AND are willing to pay for.

Ask what type of articles help out the best.

Simply interact with your subscribers. Make them your friend.

You can also run a more elaborate survey that uses a program to gather and produce your results.

A good program for this is "Survey Monkey" and you can find it at http://www.surveymonkey.com

Its a free program by the way.

Survey Monkey tabulates the results to every question and is great for gauging the effectiveness of your survey.

So in a nutshell, here is how it works.

--Make your subscribers your friend.

--Ask your list their "wants and needs".

--Compile the results

--Give them what they ask for!

Follow this simple method and watch your opt-in list EXPLODE!