Appointment Calendar Software: You Can Do That With My Expense Report?

Imagine opening your appointment calendar software and asking the question, “When did I create my expense report this month?” and then being able to go to your appointment calendar and find the date on the appointment calendar in the monthly view. Hold it! The reason you can find the report on the appointment calendar is not for the reason you might be thinking.

The date the report file was created is not on the calendar because you manually typed it in, no, it is on the calendar because you created the report and attached it to the calendar on that date. Not only is it attached to that date but you can also open it from that date with a simple menu selection!

In following paragraphs, you will learn the details of how this feature works.

First, you click on an appointment calendar date text box. Second, you select from a menu the option: “add an attachment” and then the appointment calendar software opens a dialog box that allows you to browse to the directory when your template file is located and then select it.

The template file is nothing more that an empty or near empty file that you will start with to do your task. In our example the template will be for an expense report.

The appointment calendar software will then make a copy of the template as a “working copy” for you. You can then create your report and save it when you are done. When you need to save it outside of the appointment calendar software management system just open the expense report and perform a “Save As” action.

Once you have created an expense report template, you can use it over and over on other days just by selecting “open template” from the menu.

As you can see, an appointment calendar software program can be more than a passive application if designed with interactivity beyond its traditional borders. You also see that a boost in productivity can be obtained just by giving documents that were traditional organized by directory a new organization which is based on the calendar date it was created. Furthermore, you have a graphically appealing, user friendly interface by which to access your documents which enriches your work experience so that you can get things done quicker and easier.