Are Conservatives More Charitable Then Liberals?

A recent study by Catologue for Philanthropy would lead a rational person to conclude that conservatives are more philanthropic then their liberal counterparts.

The Catalogue For Philanthropy conducted a study of the fifty states in the union and looked in to the charitable giving patterns of the residents of those states.

The Catalogue For Philanthropy used a generosity index that looked at the money earned vs. money donated to charities. It is based on income tax returns for 2005.

The top 25 states in the union were GOP states while the bottom nine states were Democratic states. This confirms my belief that conservatives are more charitable then their liberal counterparts.

Conservative values and ideology dictate that individuals must do their part in making society better. Liberal ideology is based on the idea that a few hard working Americans must be taxed to their limits to pay for lavish social programs used by a minority of Americans..

Many conservatives are religious. Many religions teach their followers to tithe or give a percentage of their income to charity. So even after taxes are given to the tax authority, conservatives still believe in donating a portion of their income to the charity.

I believe that many liberals have the philosophy that their duty is over once they have paid their taxes. That's why liberals want to be taxed to the hilt. They want the government to be the moral broker in society. Liberals don't want to take personal responsibility and take their moral obligations seriously.

Minnesota, the liberal state that I come from finished seventh out of fifty states. This is quite pathetic coming from a liberal public that believes in high taxes and social welfare programs but does very little personally for their fellow man.

Massachusetts finished in forty ninth place. This should come as no surprise. Some people refer to the state as Taxachushetts for its unreasonably high taxes.

I guess senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy believe in over taxing the public to pay for their incredible health and fringe benefits that they receive as being senators

Bottom line: While liberals criticize conservatives for having morals and ethics, they continue to fall short of the charitable contributions made by conservatives.