Are You Doing the Refinance Dance?

Refinance – refinance, can lead you such a fine dance. Can addle your brain and then lead you to drink. Still there’s no shortcut to - perfect refinance. You simply can’t - sign - on a nod and a wink!

Your aim is to cut down your interest costs paid; reduce your payments and get money out. Truth is you’d rather be just getting laden...with goodies, whilst shopping – or fishing, no doubt.

When the interest rate’s two - maybe three points below what you pay every month for your mortgage or loan. Then it’s time that you really went “fishing” you know, for a deal with more “meat” on the bone.

Now websites and experts abound with advice – You’ll have "arms" coming out of your ears! “fixed rate” - “options?” - Listen carefully – be nice but consider “the term” – Yes the ...years!

Be careful with answers - and questions as well. The devil’s - likely as not - in the small print. Just take your time - don’t be hurried - do dwell. Don’t be quick to make lenders a small mint!

“Refinance co-signed”, or “lending sub-prime”, “bad credit refinance loans fast”? The points you might pay could be labelled as crime! So you’ll have to stay strong to the ...last.

You’re damned if you don’t and your damned if you do...? Well - that’s often the feeling sometimes. But the perfect refinance - is tailored to YOU...and you’ll KNOW when the “bottom line” rhymes!

© 2005 Luke Sharp