Article Writing & Marketing: The Single Most Powerful Tool I Have Ever Found

Have you discovered the power of article writing and marketing?

By far, this is the single most powerful tool I have ever found for creating prospects, publicity and profits.

An incredible 70/30 split

Here is a great example of the power of this article writing and marketing.

I have been writing a syndicated relationship column for 11 years now. My column runs weekly in newspapers all over the world. Since they are kind enough to include my contact information, I've gotten a steady stream of prospects, publicity and profits from doing this for 11 years.

I have been posting my articles online at since late April of this year, 2005, or said another way, for the last 7 months as of this writing. From the first month I started I've gotten a flood of prospects, publicity and profits from writing and posting articles.

Now, let's look at some simple numbers.

From my newspaper column that I have written for 11 years, I get 30% of my new prospects and subscribers.

From writing and posting articles online for the last 7 months, I get 70% of my new prospects and subscribers.

Simply stated:

11 years equals 30% of my new prospects and subscribers

7 months equals 70% of my new prospects and subscribers.

11 years = 30%

7 months = 70%

Are you getting the power of this?

EzineArticles Expert Author Jeff Herring