Book Writing Tips to Keep You Writing

Do you get stuck? Here are three big tips that can help you to keep on writing when you don't feel like it. If you are serious about your writing try these book writing tips.

1. “Inch by inch it’s a cinch.”

There will always be interruptions, commitments, conflicts, and other activities that can prevent you from reaching your goal. To avoid delays in your writing success you have to crash through any barriers that get in the way, stay focused, and remind yourself that "inch by inch it's a cinch." Set up a plan to write your book. Every day have at least one activity you will do that will get you closer to finishing your book, even if it is just a 10 minute activity. You will reach your dreams if you just keep on going and never give up.

2. Spend a day at the Park.

Whenever you experience writer’s block, go to your favorite park. Bring your laptop or writing pad and your favorite music that you can listen to on a CD, iPod or radio. I do this once in awhile to get away from my usual writing routine. It opens up my mind and the words begin to flow again. Write down your thoughts at that moment. Stay in the park for at least three hours. Enjoy the moment. You will remember it forever as a grand day writing in the park.

3. Get a Success Buddy.

Get a writing buddy—an enthusiastic, supportive friend or colleague that will motivate you to continue writing. You must meet or get on the phone regularly—-at least once a week and more if possible. This will help you set up a good routine. It is amazing what an enthusiastic buddy can do for you. The next best thing is to hire a book writing coach that can walk you through the process of writing your great book, help you stay focused and keep you on target. Whatever way you choose you will accomplish your writing goal faster when you have a supportive team that is on your side and will motivate you to finish your book as quick as possible.