Business Results Begins by Developing a Compelling Vision to Communicate Why You Are In Business

On a construction site, three masons were working. Each one was busy with a trowel, cement and bricks. A passer-by went up to the first one, who looked very bored and asked him what he was doing. "I’m laying bricks," he said sullenly.

The passer-by then approached the second man who looked somewhat more enthusiastic and asked the same question. "I’m building a church," was the reply.

Walking up to the third mason who was whistling, the passer-by again asked the same question. The mason stopped his whistling for just a moment and with great joy and excitement said: "I’m building a cathedral." This response astonished the passer-by.

So, what is the point of this brief story. Simply - What are you building? Why do you work for your company or why did you start your company? What is the underlying reason you firm is operational?

We all need a purpose, a vision, a mission – call it what you like – to motivate us to action. A vision is a rallying cry. It is a short, powerful statement. It empowers all the shareholders and makes them believe they can do whatever needs to be done.

Think of the following: We will overcome! Or Workers of the world unite! A famous hotel chain had a simple vision: Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen.

What is your company’s vision? It is a rallying cry? Or is it like one of those typical, long winded, expensive, stale corporate statement hanging on the walls in many reception areas? The real question to be answer is: Are you living that vision? HINT: If you aren’t living that vision, this may help to explain why you are not doubling your results.

Copyright 2005(c) Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S.