Can New Born Chickens Influence a Robot?

Decades ago Albert Einstein told us that space and time are not conditions in which we live; they are modes in which we think.

‘Nonlocality and the Observer’ is a fascinating documentation from a workshop held by Mike Wright. The first 30 minutes are a warm up into the realm of quantum physics. But then fasten your seat belts and be prepared for some big surprises that may change the way you think about yourself and your abilities to communicate with others.

Mike Wright explains how quantum theory and laboratory experiments verify that we have a connection to everyone and everything we have ever interacted with. You will learn the concepts that allow you to not only change your future but change your personal past.

Einstein also told us that what we see depends upon the theories we use to interpret our observations. Mike explains how as the Observer you affect reality. How we experience life depends upon the information we have to interpret our interactions.

The information in this video allows you to update your personal model of reality and thus change how you view the world and your experiences in it.

The Priceton Experiments
In 1980 Princeton University made one of the most scientific studies on consciousness. The outcome of these experiments are still not accepted from a majority of scientists today. The implication of these experiments are on such a big scale that our consciousness has difficulties in grasping its potential.

They took two random people that were not related to one other and have never seen each other in this life time. The two participants then were told to just spend 30 minutes together. After that one participant was moved away and placed in a special room, which was completely isolated from the other person. Furthermore, the outside of the room were separated by a Faraday capsule to insure that no physical signals whatsoever could travel between the two of them.

Both participants were then hooked up with EEG (measurement for the electrical activity of the brain) readers. Now, the person in the isolated room was given visual and acoustic stimuli. The stimuli of course showed up in the EEG. But, and here is the stunning surprise of this experiment, the same stimuli showed up an the other participant’s EEG. Taking the EEG from both participants and comparing them on a time scale showed that when the person in the separated room showed a stimuli in the EEG the other person’s EEG showed the same stimuli, at the same time!

The outcome of this experiment was so exciting that they immediately came up with some other ideas. Also they thought that maybe there was a sort of placebo effect involved or maybe the human being had something special, which was causing that outcome. So they went on to widen these experiments to include animals.

The first experiments involved new born chickens. New born chickens relate to anything moving in their environment as their mother. They were building a small robot based on a random event generator, which produces simple right and left turns based on the random event being zero or one. The chickens were placed in a cage and the robot was positioned out of the cage. What happened is that the robot turned significant more times towards the cage than away from it.

The expected 50% left and right movement were no more random!

In another experiment they used new born rabbits, which are very sensitive to light. This time the robot was equipped with a bright flash light on top and was placed near the cage were the young rabbits were in. In turns out this time that the robot moved significantly more times away from the cage than towards the cage. Again, the randomness was no more random!

Available at Amazon: Nonlocality And The Observer - DVD Edition

EzineArticles Expert Author Thomas Herold