Control Your Depressed Induced Anger

We all know the feeling. You get angry. Very angry. You might not know why, but you feel it boiling up inside you. You get more and more enraged, looking for an outlet. An outlet will come, and the problem is that you cannot tell who that person will be. It could be someone who you are very close to, who says the wrong thing at the wrong time. It could be very hard to prevent yourself from losing control, but that is important to do. So how do you do it?

When you feel anger building up, you should examine why you are getting angry. There is always some cause for it, even if that cause is minor. Identify that minor cause and find ways to defuse your feelings at the source. If that is not possible, then try to release your anger as soon as possible. By holding it in, you are only going to cause problems for you later, but you will be suppressing emotion, which is a bad habit to get into.

If you cannot express your anger at that moment, you should try and find some way to safely express your anger as quickly as possible. Hitting a punching bag, or a pillow is a good way to do this. Finding a quiet room, away from others and letting out a good yell is also productive. This will keep you from letting it out when you are in an awkward situation.