Crochet Thread and Geometry A Craft Project

Aside from its traditional use, crochet thread can be used for a number of other activities. One of the most creative and fun ideas for your kids to use crochet thread is in this geometry project which is both fun and a learning exercise.

All you need is old cardboard, paper, crochet thread, a large eye needle, ruler, child-safe glue, and any fun, miscellaneous decorative supplies (glitter, stickers, etc.). Remember, this is a child friendly project, so encourage their creative side in order to make the project successful and entertaining.

To begin the project, let your child choose a piece of paper. Take the old cardboard and have your child glue the paper to the cardboard with the child safe glue. This fortifies your geometric shape. Let the glue dry.

While the glue is drying, go through your child’s geometry book or workbook and let them choose a simple geometric shape to recreate. Draw the geometric shape on the paper. Before drawing the shape for the crochet project, make sure you wait until the glue is 100% dry. You should use the ruler to make sure the lines of the shape are clean. Have your child write the name of the shape they drew inside of it on the cardboard.

Take the crochet needle and poke small holes on the lines of the shape they drew. Make sure the holes are not too close together. You will be sewing the crochet thread through the holes and you do not want the holes to rip. Once the holes are punched, help your child put the thread through the crochet needle’s large eye. Tie a knot at the end of the crochet thread. Show your child how to string the crochet thread through the holes in the cardboard dot by dot around the edge outlining your geometric shape. Once the shape has been outlined, your child can add glitter, sequins, or decorate with markers.

In the end, you and your child will have created an array of geometry flashcards to help ensure he/she learns the shapes, sides, and names. Not only will the activity teach your child a new skill, it will give you one on one quality time together. Keep them entertained with different colors of thread, lots of glitter, and any other fun art supplies your child finds interesting.