Crowd Anxiety

Especially during the holiday season, you can find yourself in some very crowded situations. It can be very tense, and your reaction might start to get hostile. You may find that you are getting jumpy and nervous. You may also find that you start to feel crowded in, have problems breathing. It is a form of claustrophobia and can be fixed with a few calming techniques.

However, you want to try and avoid the situation whenever possible. Because the situations will invariably raise your stress levels, you want to try and keep calm, try and stay relaxed as often as possible. And since you will inevitably end up in these situations at times, the best thing to do is try and find ways to stay calm whenever you can.

The first thing that you can do is make sure you have a clear exit path. Know exactly how you want to get out of the situation and know how you are getting there. It may help for you to keep one eye on that exit path to make sure it doesn’t get blocked off. And if it does, you can start looking for another one. Finding a few exit routes in the beginning might be helpful. You might also want to start shopping during the middle of the day, or online. Because there are less crowds, you will be able to control your entry and exit a little more, you won’t be jostled as much and you might feel more comfortable. Online, you have no people and you should feel fine.