Cure for Myasthenia Gravis

Is modern medicine close to finding a cure for Myasthenia Gravis? Is modern medicine at least heading in the right direction to find a cure for myasthenia gravis? I believe the answer is an obvious NO to both questions.

I say that because modern medicine hasn’t developed a single cure for ANY of the eighty or so autoimmune diseases of which myasthenia gravis is just one. No cures either for heart disease or cancer, which are the biggest killers of people in the developed world. After more than a century of sophisticated research into these areas of medicine, still no cures. Doesn’t that seem a little strange?

It does to me. In fact it leads me to the conclusion that modern medicine has its focus in the wrong direction.

If you had a bath that was overflowing water on to the floor, what would you do first? Would you start mopping up the water and just keep mopping? Or would you look for the cause first, then turn off the tap? Of course, anyone with the slightest bit of common sense would look for the cause first.

Well modern medicine seems to function with very little common sense because the doctors are all still mopping and the water is running faster every year as cancer, heart disease and autoimmune diseases continue to increase in most developed countries.

The focus stays on managing and treating instead of preventing and curing. And the focus stays on using drugs as the predominate method to manage and treat. Still that isn’t surprising as the large pharmaceutical companies fund most medical research.

So when I developed myasthenia gravis, I immediately realised that if I didn’t have it one week and did have it the next, then something had changed and there must be a cause. It was obvious that I needed to determine the likely cause and fix it.

I started researching and my research led me to some amazing facts. The first fact that I wasn’t aware of is that myasthenia gravis and the other eighty or so autoimmune diseases have only become common during the last hundred or so years. The same is true for cancer and heart disease. This is an incredibly short period of time in the history of the human race as hominids (human like species) date back 4.4 million years.

As I continued my research it became obvious that these are ‘lifestyle’ diseases and it’s now being proven in many studies that we have brought this on ourselves. The outbreak of these diseases has now reached epidemic proportions. How have we done that?

  1. We have destroyed the nutritional value of foods and added countless harmful chemicals and come up with a world of processed convenience foods.
  2. We have become lazier and busier year after year to the point that on average our levels of physical fitness (especially cardiovascular fitness) are pathetic.
  3. We have developed lifestyles that contain constant stress. Constant stress that doesn’t go away (chronic stress) is now common in the western world. It can even be low level stress, but over time, it causes serious chemical imbalances in our bodies.
  4. We have also added an incredible amount of toxins, pollutants and electrical radiation to our daily environment.

The task ahead of me was obvious. If I wanted to cure my myasthenia gravis the first thing I had to do was remove the things that may have caused it. I had to focus on removing, or at least reducing to the best of my ability, the four problem areas I mentioned previously. I have a lot of faith in the ability of the human body to heal itself if we will only give it a chance.

I was really pleased when I completely eliminated my Myasthenia Gravis but actually wasn’t surprised as it all just makes sense.

I just worked hard at correcting those four problems most of us have in our lives.

I find it frustrating that little or no funding is ever available for in-depth studies to be performed on using natural methods like nutrition, exercise, stress relief, etc. to prevent and cure diseases like Myasthenia Gravis. Imagine if the same billions of dollars were invested into natural medicine. There would be some startling results. Unfortunately, the fact remains that this won’t happen because there are little or no profits to be made preventing or curing disease, especially in a natural way.

So once again, it’s up to us to use some common sense and realise that our bodies cannot stay healthy and disease free when we spend year after year abusing them with poor nutrition, little exercise, chronic stress, etc. Sooner or later something has to give. For me it was an autoimmune disease known as myasthenia gravis. For others it is cancer or heart disease.

It’s amazing how Common Sense is one of the most uncommon things!