Erase that Snaky Thought

Do you have a tendency to battle bad thoughts or feelings that enter within your mind? Or does fear plague your heart without rhyme or reason and you wish it would just go away?

Often most people do not realize that controlling one's thoughts is as easy as erasing a tape.

Yes indeed it is true!

Thoughts are accumulations of programmed information. Not all thoughts or programming is to your benefit.

We often live our entire life having thoughts programmed into our minds from a myriad of sources and few are able to control the download.

It is extremely debilitating when one is being plagued with thoughts that literally control our actions. Those hidden undesirable fears that pounce upon us in the most unexpected times. We tend to feel that we are being controlled from another source and often we believe there is nothing we can do about it.

Let me assure you we are in much greater control of our minds and thoughts than anyone would believe. The problem is we have learned to submit to our thoughts rather than controlling our minds.

Let us begin by taking a little test. If you have a tape recorded of some sort get it out and lets begin this process. If you do not have a tape recorder then simply use your keyboard to begin typing.

Imagine you are walking in a desert around cactus and wild flowers. All of a sudden you hear a sharp hissing sound that you are unable to detect. In fact that sound is a rattle from a rattlesnake.

Now you many not be afraid of snakes, and that is fine, but bear with me because the approach is exactly the same no matter what your particular fear may be.

Immediately within your mind you have this feeling of dread. All of a sudden without you taking the time to even think about what is occurring this little voice in your head says, "Hey, I am deathly afraid of snakes!"

You begin to shake with fear pulsing through body. You start sweating uncontrollably. You are immersed within the feeling of fear. Your thoughts seem paralyzed; you are unable to speak. You are frozen in fear.

Of course it never enters your mind that none of those fears are real. What if you believed that snakes were harmless and they were nothing any different than a little kitty? You would never become plagued with fear.

First of all I am not saying snakes are not dangerous, for some of them are, especially the rattlesnake I am using for this description. What I am trying to reveal is, what is the difference in your mind between a simple little house cat and a rattlesnake.

Obviously you have been informed that a rattlesnake is dangerous, its bite can be fatal. You were programmed to believe through information that was sent into the mind that snakes are dangerous.

It is that simple. Somehow some way your mind was programmed to believe that certain snakes are a thing to fear.

Although certain snakes are dangerous there are people that can live and work with such creatures all day long and have no fear.

It would seem though that certain snakes are deadly, so why is it that some are able to work around them without fear or dread?

Some individuals realizing that they must respect the creature have been programmed to function without fear of them.

What is the difference between you and them?

It is the type of information that is being stored within the mind. Now lets take out the tape recorder and begin the process of saying, "I am scared to death of Snakes!"

Now take your recorder and listen to what was said, or if you are simply using your keyboard, read what you typed.


Understand that you just programmed this thought within the recorder. Listen to it, read it. There is nothing different about this than simply programming your mind.

These words which translate into thoughts are real energy. It is a power. How powerful is it?

It is so powerful that it can literally shut down the operation of your body. It can cause you to break out in sweats. Create such a fear within you that you can not speak, your mouth can become so dry you cannot swallow. Your heart can begin to beat faster and faster creating arrhythmic problems. It can literally paralyze you. It can even become so fatalistic you could die because of it. In fact the power of that thought alone can become as fatal as if the snake actually bit you. For many of the symptoms of fear are as if a poisonous snake but you!

Begin to think about that for a second! Now all people are different. Some have fears of heights others fear closed spaces. Others are afraid of water or flying in a jet. No matter what the fear is, all of them were somehow programmed into the mind of the individual in which was accepted as valid and now it will control them for the rest of their life unless something is done to alleviate that fear.

How can one remedy such fears when they have so much power over the mind? In fact as we just recognized some fears can be fatal.

As I said and it will become a regular topic I share, that all thoughts are energies that can have power. The "power" of thought is created through emotional belief.

Simply having a thought is not power; it has to have emotional belief built within it. Power is derived from the amount of emotion you give to any thought.

As above you stated within the recorder, "I AM SCARED TO DEATH OF SNAKES"!

Listen to what you stated within the recorder, notice the emotion in these words. You did not simply say, "I am afraid of snakes." You said, "I am scared to death of snakes."

This is powerful programming!

Once this is programmed into the mind, your mind is now beginning to cultivate a new thought that will begin to go into motion as powerful energy every time it sees a snake. Your mind has been programmed that if it becomes aware of a snake that it will start sending signals throughout your entire body that death is imminent.

Why, because you programmed the mind to believe snakes will lead to your demise? This is why the body begins to go into serious convulsions because it is believing death is imminent, but it is not real it is programmed. Remember the fear does not occur because of the bite of the snake, it begins as soon as you become aware of the snake. So it is the fear alone that is causing all your consternation.

I know this sounds simple but there is no greater awareness in existence. Once you begin to learn how to control this powerful programming emotion, you will begin to see a major difference in your life.

So how does one change a fear?

It is as simple as reprogramming that which is causing a problem. Simply erase that thought.

Yet this is not enough! Erasing the thought alone is powerless unless you reprogram a new thought to take its place. The reason is, when you erase a thought such as I am scared to death of snakes, then when you run into a snake, the mind will begin to search for how to deal with this presence. It will recognize that the thought was erased but until it has been reprogrammed it is not removed from memory. So it will bring back the thought that was in memory and you will be back to the same problem you had in the beginning.

Now take your recorder and erase what you said, "'I AM SCARED TO DEATH OF SNAKES"!

When you now bring back the recording it should be like this, " ".

Now there is nothing left in the recorder. However the mind does not forget, although there is nothing left it remembers. So therefore you now need to reprogram the mind or recorder.


Do you recognize what I did, instead of simply saying I am not afraid of snakes, I added something.

Just to say I am not afraid has no emotion; thus it contains no power. You must add to it by adding emotion. Snakes are FUNNY.

It is hard to believe something can scare you to death if it is funny.

Now there is another key. Many fears are brought about because we tend to bring them out and confirm them. I am afraid of snakes, I am afraid of snakes, I am afraid of snakes...

So when we begin to reprogram we must reconfirm the new programming. Snakes are FUNNY, Snakes are FUNNY, I am not afraid of snakes because they are funny.

You need to begin practicing every time a bad thought or fear enters your mind to erase that thought and change it into something else. All fears and thoughts work the same way. They are programmed information into your mind and you need to reprogram them.

When I am driving down the road and a thought or fear enters my mind I simply say erase that thought. And I begin to think of a positive thought that can be placed over the other thought. It is amazing how powerful this technique really is.

Use it all the time because it can literally change you into a brand new person.

I will continue to stay with this theme for quite some time because what I will reveal will change your life. It will give you back your own personal power where you will no longer be the slave to your thoughts but the master of your mind!