Feng Shui Tips for Fast Life Changes

Do you need some quick improvements in your life? One of the most effective--and dangerous--ways to change your life with Feng Shui is to clean and declutter your bathroom.

In fact, you should never completely declutter your bathroom in a single day unless you really want to change your life.

Otherwise, if you have clutter in your bathroom, tidy it a little at a time, once a week or even once a month. Make gentle changes slowly.

There are two overwhelmingly powerful rooms in your home, if you study Feng Shui: Your bathroom and your kitchen are the power centers.

If you think about it, Feng Shui means "wind and water," and the kitchen and bathroom are where most water pipes are. (Likewise, your garden can be a power center if you have a pond or a stream.)

But, let's say that you really need to change your life. If you have reached a point where it is time to be ruthless and see broad improvements, even if there is short-term discomfort, Feng Shui has the answer.

Go through every cabinet and shelf in your bathroom, and get rid of everything that you no longer use or need. Old shampoos, expired prescriptions, last year's suntan lotion, that eyeshadow that never looked right... it all goes out, immediately.

If the grout between the tiles is ugly and stained, clean it. If your towels are faded and sad looking, toss them out. Buy new ones. Is it time to replace the toilet seat? Do it now.

Everything that's in your bathroom that is no longer useful, or doesn't represent the life that you want to live must go out, right now.

As you do this, you are symbolically removing everything in your life that doesn't fully support you.

Please think carefully before you take the drastic step of decluttering and cleaning your bathroom: If you aren't ready to remove absolutely everything that's holding you back in life, don't do this all in one day.

Whether it's a boyfriend who is merely "okay" but not Prince Charming, a job that you hate but haven't had the courage to leave, or any other major change that you've been postponing, when you clean and declutter your bathroom all at once, your life will change.

If you're absolutely, positively ready to change your life today, clean and declutter your bathroom. And, for luck, tie red ribbons around the drain pipes to prevent good things from flowing out of your life. Just one loop around each pipe is enough. (Nobody has to see the ribbons. It's okay if they're hidden in cabinets.)

But, if you aren't certain if you want the ho-hum boyfriend (or girlfriend) to leave, or if a job change puts you in panic, clean the bathroom a little at a time. It's one of two major power centers in your home (the other is your kitchen), and the bathroom is where the smallest changes can make the biggest differences in your life.

Feng Shui can be a powerful force for change in your life. However, for the most dramatic changes in your life--sometimes within hours--clean your bathroom. Try it and see for yourself.