Go To Hell!

Can you literally go to hell or is a place we make up in our mind? To keep the people (The Masses) in line? Why would a God that loves you give you free will and then turn around and say you have two choices. One you are good and you go to heaven and live with me, but if you are bad then you go to hell and live with the so called devil.

If there is a Hell, we are living in it! A wise man once told me, and I consider him to be a man of God. Who literally loves everyone and lives the way he talks, basically he walks the walk and talks the talk. We are taught from birth that there is a devil and a heaven and a hell and so on and so fourth.

Yet I believe that the “religious leaders” have twisted and turned the Bible and took this out and that out, to what they wanted it to be like. Then they die and the next group takes this out and that out and sooner or later you are a sinner and going to hell.

For that matter who said that a snake can talk? Remember the garden of Eden, well the snake talked to Eve. Come on and get real a snake talking. A poison apple and an angel questioning God’s authority. Please let’s get real here, we are living in Hell, rape, killings, school shootings and the list go’s on and on. If that is not hell then I don’t know what is.

They use the Devil as a means to control you and to keep you giving, God doesn’t limit us! He gives us unlimited wealth! You don’t lack a money problem, you lack from idea problem that is a quote from Robert Schuler. Who also happens to be a man of God. The best way to help the poor is to show them how to get rich or at the very least to be self sufficient and be able to take care of themselves.

Now back to this Hell thing, if God is truly a loving God, why would he create you and then, tear you down and then send you into everlasting torment? It just does not add up so to speak. He creates you, you are good and then you go to Heaven, if not Hell. I say HELL NO! God loves you and the thing that everyone calls the original sin, was our first revaluation that we are part of God.

God himself said that he built us in his own image and that the Holy Spirit will always be with you never leave or forsake you. Jesus himself said the kingdom of God is within, my question is this. If we are made in his likeness and the holy spirit is with us always and the Kingdom of God is within us, how can we not be part of the big puzzle of life, that shall go on for evermore?

Everything is energy and is in a constant state of movement. In one form or the other. It can be in physical form, spiritual form and last but not least in caporrial state a gas. It never cesses to exist, it moves from state to the next state to the next and back again, but it never cesses to exits!

Gods greatest creation human beings are we supposed to beilive that water physical state, turns into steam nonphysical and then gas either (corporeal state), does not cease to exist, how can we Gods greatest achievement cease to exist, or go to a so called Hell, I sure hope not!