How To Effectively Connect With Your Prospects And Close More Sales With Proven Communication Skills

Ever wondered why some sales letters produce extraordinary results? Ever been "sucked in" by some web copy and, like some magic, been literally held by the hand until you click on the order button? What do you think was really the power behind that irresistible pull? If you've ever tried to answer these questions, you may have observed that the power behind those magical results is the words used. Yes, to REALLY connect with your prospects/customers, you need the right words and the effective use of those words.

Effective communication is a science. And, like every other sciences, there are proven steps to implementing it successfully. The highly successful entrepreneurs know its real worth. Every marketer worth his onions must master this art of effective communication to really produce the results he desires. To market your products/services profitably, you must be able to convince your prospect/client why he/she must buy from you.

Marketing online lays more emphasis on the written word. Your sales letter, web copy, emails, ezine, etc. must be able to effectively communicate your ideas. This is what copywriting is all about. It is the masterly use of words to effectively express your ideas to enable your reader do what you want. Study the master copywriters and you'll be amazed how they effectively do this. And if you want to succeed online as an internet home business entrepreneur, you must master this skill.

Now there is a secret to effective web communication skills. The secret is in focusing on the other person (your prospect) and what you want him to do as a result of your message.

But how can you focus on the other person? Simply understand his wants and needs. Empathize with him. Put yourself in his shoes and see the world through his eyes. Feel his joys. Feel his pains and problems. And feel his wants. When you've done this well, your next job is to show him how he can get what he wants by doing what you want.

Besides, been able to convincingly convey your ideas or what you wanted done, is an important factor in effective web copywriting. Conviction involves persuasion. Your prospect will never take action until he is persuaded. Your ability to convincingly persuade your reader is proportional to how much you're able to appeal to his emotions. This is because our purchasing decisions are ruled by our emotions.

You must however know that persuasion isn't converting people to your way of thinking. It's about converting people to your way of feeling and believing. It is about your emotions.

The following tips will help you to effectively communicate with your prospects and therefore increase your profits astronomically.

1. Use Action Words: You can do this by using verbs throughout your copy. Action words have a way of literally turning the subconscious mind into action. And because the subconscious is the seat of reaction and emotions, a web copy with the right verbs make persuasion much easier.

2. Use Words That Create Ideas: The ideas you create in the mind of your readers through your web copy determines, to a great extent, what they feel towards you and your offer. You could create excitement or cause the creative energy in your prospects to rise. And whenever they remember you or your offer this idea wells up.

3. Use Simple Words And Short Sentences: Put your scholarly prowess aside. Focus on communicating. Communicating without understanding is a failure. Simple words and short sentences make reading easier. And the easier to read the better the chances of being persuaded. Remember the K.I.S.S. principle. Therefore use short, simple and direct statements that cut right to the heart of the matter.

4. Focus Your Message On Your Audience: To communicate with power and effectively persuade your prospect to do what you want, you must understand your audience. Who is your audience? What do they want? And how can you help them get what they want? When your message is focused on your prospect you stand a better chance of achieving your purpose.

5. Present Your Message As A Conversation: This is powerful online. When your prospect accesses your web copy, he'll be alone. It is not a public presentation. Therefore let your presentation sound like a conversation between the two of you. Use the first person singular. If possible use personification. Sound natural. Forget hype. Present facts and enough emotional empathy to help him make a decision.

There you've it. Your copy writing skills could make or break your online business. Being able to effectively communicate your ideas so that your prospect does what you want is a skill you must master if you must pull in massive profits with your internet home business.