How to Beat Insulin Resistance Syndrome (IRS) Naturally

Insulin Resistance syndrome (IRS) also known as Metabolic Syndrome and Syndrome X is the inability to transport blood glucose properly into the cells to produce energy. The pancreas produces insulin but the receptors on the cells do not respond to it. Insulin Resistance increases the chances of age-related diseases such as heart attack, osteoporosis, some cancers, high blood pressure and type 2 Diabetes. Most individuals with type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance syndrome but many more people who are not diabetic have insulin resistance syndrome. Insulin Resistance signs are high levels of uric acid, good cholesterol, high blood fats, high insulin levels, glucose intolerance, an ‘apple shaped’ body, tiredness or bloated feeling after eating and polycystic ovaries in women. Insulin Resistance is associated with being overweight, a sedentary lifestyle and consuming a diet high in refined carbohydrates. Insulin resistance syndrome is generally thought to be caused either due to hereditary or due to lifestyle factors. Many individuals are not aware they have insulin resistance syndrome because it has no obvious symptoms.

Changing the diet can help with insulin resistance syndrome, it is best to keep to a low carbohydrate and low saturated fats diet, avoid fried foods, saturated fats, salt and meat, include plenty of whole foods, fruit, vegetables, oily fish such as salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, trout and mackerel and whole grain pasta and rice. It is best to keep to foods which are high in fibre and also foods which have a low ‘glycaemic index’.

Altering your lifestyle will help with insulin resistance syndrome, losing weight, embarking on an exercise program, stopping smoking and cutting down on alcohol will all be beneficial for the insulin resistance syndrome sufferer.

The following supplements may help if you are suffering from Insulin Resistance syndrome (IRS).



Coenzyme Q10

Glucomannan Multivitamins and minerals

Guar gum


Vitamin E
