How to Tell if a Girl Likes You Does She Like You? Does that Woman Want You? Women's secrets!

How the heck can you tell if that female you've had your eye on likes you back? What are the signs? I shall cover two areas for men out there, and women, please do not hate me for revealing the secrets. I have recently seen Pride and Prejudice, and it is so true, no matter how much a man likes a woman, without some push and feedback from the female, it is unlikely anything beyond a friendly relationship would come into existence.

On the internet now, how can you tell if a female likes you. If for one, your relationship is strictly based on emails and instant messanging, I suggest you kick it up to the level of phoning, whether it be with your cell phone or an internet phone like Skype. Words are there but they can never offer substantial feeling and how can you tell, regardless of the emoticons, whether she is being serious or sarcastic? You may have repulsed her beyond belief and not know it.

But if you must use the internet as a communication tool with the girl/woman/female you've had your eyes and heart set on, then here are the clues that she likes you:

She replies almost immediately.
She doesn't seem distracted.
She doesn't give one word replies.
She answers coherently to show she is actually paying attention.
She flirts with you!
She often Instant Messanges you before you do and her emails are long and dedicated.

Beware of the players out there. In the age of multitasking, a female can do the same with many people, often even simultaneously. But still, sometimes, people multitask not because they don't care, but because they often have a lack of time or time managing skills, especially city-folk. Take me for instance, a New Yorker. My mind wanders whenever and where-ever. I've been raised that way. New York is a fast moving city and time waits for no one here.

Anyway, now for more substantial clues.

Real Life
Do not take blushing to be the biggest sign that a girl or woman likes you. People blush when they are nervous, when they are cornered, when they have embarrassing thoughts in their minds and for a multitude of reasons. If a female blushes whenever she is in your presence, then that may be a big sign she likes you. She gets a little sweaty, she blushes, and she stutters and messes words up... But if she is generally a shy person, this may occur in the presence of any and all men.

She follows your lead.
She always smiles at you.
She often stares at you longingly, you know with those cute eyes of hers.
She listens to you intently.
She offers advice and seems upset when you are upset.
Her pupils dilate.
She blushes once too often in your presence.
She seems different around you.
She's very nice to you.
She pays you "special attention."
She teases you.

Guys, really, just open your eyes and you will see it with your heart whether or not she likes you. If she moves away from you when you speak to her, doesn't like it when you touch her even in a friendly, harmless way, makes subtle faces at your remarks, and ignores you... she probably doesn't like you. Women who really don't like you, don't like you and aren't playing hard to get.

Now, how can you finally get these women who like you back?

Well guys, that secret is left for you to find out.