Ignoring The Cell

Recently I had an interesting day, and I suspect much of what occurred was the Universe supplying me with material for this newsletter. You see, I was experiencing a bit of writer’s block the last couple of weeks and simply asked the Universe to support me in moving through this. My request was to bring me an experience that would allow me to turn it into something I could share with you.

By the way, I was very clear with my request that I wanted this experience to be significant enough to inspire me, and simple enough so my world wasn’t turned upside down. I’ve come to realize, over the years, it really pays to be as specific as possible when asking for what I want!

I had several appointments scattered throughout the day and it seemed no matter what appointment I was at, my cell phone was vying for my attention, attempting to take me away from what I was doing or who I was talking to in the moment. Generally, I will find myself answering my cell phone, but on this day, something inside of me said, “Ignore it.” What I found interesting wasn’t so much that I chose to ignore it, but the reactions from the people I was with each time I did ignore it.

Every single person was more concerned than I was who might be trying to reach me. The receptionist at the eye Dr. said to me, “What if it’s an emergency?” “Then they’ll call back many times in a row.” I told her.

The man helping me at the printing store said, “I can wait. It might be important.” I said, “If it’s that important, they’ll leave a message and I’ll retrieve it in 10 minutes.” He looked at me like I had 3 eyes.

The person I was having a lunch meeting with said, “How can you just ignore that? Maybe it’s a potential client or an emergency.”

My response? “I don’t leave my cell phone number on my business line and in a true emergency the person will call back again and again. Besides, you are my priority right now and I’m only willing to focus on this moment, here and now.”

And then I did something I never do, I turned my cell phone off! She thought I’d lost my marbles but the best part was when her phone rang a few minutes later. She started to answer it when she suddenly looked up at me and I gave her a sly little smile. She smiled back and turned her phone off! We had a wonderful laugh about it and our meeting was without interruptions and a great deal got accomplished.

There is no doubt, that in this modern, technological world, you can be easily pulled in many directions, leaving you to believe you might miss something important. It takes a real effort to be committed or motivated to stay present. To not be taken away, even if just for a moment, from what you are doing or who you are with and complete it before moving on to the next situation.

Despite the efforts to remain balanced, it’s not unusual to be split between your Spiritual desires and those moments when the Gremlin (that negative chatter in your head) quickly gets a hold of you and drives the ego toward yet another accomplishment or pushes your curiosity to see if there’s something more interesting waiting for you than where you are at the moment.

We live in a society where humans, for the most part, are addicted to the achievements, the appearance of self-importance, fast-paced lives, stress and consumption. And the good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Your ability to choose is always there. You can stay connected to the moment or break away from it. It’s really the difference of Being versus Doing. It’s about your willingness to create a different inner world that ultimately becomes your outer world.

I’ll leave you now to mull that over while I allow myself to build upon this newsletter in next month’s issue. How amazing are these Universal forces! I asked for inspiration for one newsletter and end up with enough to create next month’s!

In the meantime, don’t answer your cell phone the next time it rings while you’re busy with something or someone else. Pay attention to the feelings that come up when you do this and what the Gremlin has to say about it. And, if you’re really feeling feisty, consider going all the way…………………turn it off!

Your Genie will be so proud!