Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed

Internet Marketing Secrets

Most successful Internet Marketers know That the most important key ingredient to Making money online is having a tremendous Sales copy.

The words and graphics displayed on the front Page of the website entice the viewer to buy.

It is an art. It is swift marketing. The product itself could be low in true value or even garbage. Nonetheless, the sales copy promises the world And people buy it hook, line and sinker.

Marketers create a stellar sales copy for various Informational products, such as wedding dresses, Barbeque recipes, back pain, pets and so on.

The information is gathered for these products With a little research. Often times, marketers Hire a ‘ghost writer’ to write the Ebook for them.

They gather information from various sources, including Books from the local library or book store. Marketers Gather information from competing sites as well.

Its all put together and sold online. The sales copy Is the most focused portion of the business. Marketers Give their product away to other marketers for Testimonials that further increase the power of the sales Copy.

The sales copy promises the world in a swift double talk Strategic manner. It focuses on providing visuals, promises, Answers to problems, and teasing. It also pulls what we call A take away. If you do not get this product, you will be making A huge mistake… in other words.

If you are looking into making some money online, the single most important strategy to learn and master is “Sales Copy”…

Here are some basics to get you started in writing a stellar sales copy:

1. Capture them right off the bat in your header. Post big font in size 18 and be bold. Fortune comes to those who are bold! Perhaps be controversial.

2. You need to use testimonials spread out through out your sales page. Granted, this is taught all over Internet Marketing World. However, I use them only on occasion.

3. Confirm to your visitor that they are at the right place. Confirm that they have made a very good decision to view your site. Sell them on being a few steps away from what they really, really need.

4. Create a differential point. What is it that you have that nobody else has? What is your special ingredient? What secret do you possess? What twist did you figure out? What is your unique selling proposition? Why are you different and better?

5. Tease them. Talk about how great it will be when they have your product. Paint pictures in their minds of everything that will take place after they have purchased your product.

6. Write as you speak. Don’t write like a robot or without any flair. You want to capture them and have them speaking back to you in a way as they read your page.

7. Offer “the rest of the story” or tools or bonuses or mini-courses. In-order to receive this, they must join your auto-responder.

8. Ask them questions. What if you… or Would you… Get them involved.

9. Express that your product is easy. Never sell that it is hard, takes a long time, requires many painful hours…

10. Offer 100% guarantees. Take the risk out of buying your product. Persuade that it is a no brainer.

11. Take away the product. Express that it is painful not having it. By not buying this product, they will continue to be lost or have the wrong information. Create a little pain if they do not buy.

12. Summarize your product and offering while closing them.

13. Continue to close them. Get them saying yes. Use words like; isn’t it, wouldn’t it, shouldn’t it. In fact close them all the way through your sales page.

14. Express to them that the only other options are not even close to your product. There is nowhere else on the planet to find these answers.

15. Create urgency. The price is only good for 24 hours. The price is going up. Get it now!

16. Close them and close them and close them again.

17. Capture them on the auto-responder so that you can continue to close them via emails.

All in all, sales copy will make or break your conversions and success online. I hope this has been useful. I offer continued secrets through my guru secret society newsletter.