Internet Thieves Are Stealing Your Commissions

You Don't Even Know!

You probably don't even know, yet I'm sure you suspect it. If you are tracking your links you are wondering why you get so many hits, but so few sales.

Your Links Are Being Hijacked!

It's because the thieves are hijacking your referrer ID,and substituting their own. Or better yet they just delete the referrer Id completely and buy directly from the vendor.

They Are Taking Your Commissions!

They are just plain mean, and don't want you to get a commission. It's easy to stop with the right tool!

You Have To Hide Your ID.

Stopping the thieves is easy but you have to use a cloaking link. Not just a tracking link. But a "cloaked" link" that will keep the alleged thief from knowing your ID until it's too late to change it or delete it.

Of course they can always cancel the sale, but at that point most people will complete the purchase. It's like the old saying. Locks only keep "honest" people, "honest"

Put An End to The Stealing Now! If you do not begin cloaking your affiliate links and referrer ID's, then you will lose sales.

The good news is, you can stop the stealing. Whether you are new to the Internet, or you're just starting out. You need to take action before you lose anymore sales!