It's Time Once Again for..."From Time to Time"

From time to time I share with my readers some of the reasons (there are about 10,000 of them and growing) why my wife and I packed up and left the United States never (and yes, Colleen, never is a longtime) to return. It is time, once again, to share even more reasons why we left America and live in Mexico:

Reasons why we live in Mexico and not the USA:

1. America is the land of extremist lunatics. They are everywhere in and about any conceivable subject. PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or as I call them, the People Who Are Loony, Psychopathic, and Freakazoids, or PALPAF, are at it again. They are wanting to traumatize children into become vegetarians. Scare and terror are their tactics. Listen to this:

“People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, has begun a campaign to scare children into becoming vegetarians.

The group, which formed to stop animal testing of consumer products but made its name by attacking women in fur coats with fake blood, is producing comic books that portray fathers as homicidal maniacs.

The handout, titled "Your Daddy Kills Animals," features a grinning lunatic gutting a fish, and warns kids to keep their puppies and kittens away from Dad because he's "hooked on killing." PETA is trying as hard as it can to portray the ordinary angler as a demonic, sadistic, cruel killer.”

2. If you told your wife that you would be home at 8pm and someone T-boned you on the way home making you late, would you have lied to your wife? If you told your kid you would make it to his game but your boss surprised you with extra work circumventing your word to your kid would you have lied? If you told your client that based on the available evidence that he or she should sell some stock and then it turned out the evidence was in error—DID YOU LIE? Of course not! Who on earth would believe any of those circumstances as an intentional falsification? Any thinking person would be able to reason that these circumstances are not lies. They are not someone knowing one thing and telling someone another. They are not somebody intentionally telling someone that they will be home, at a game, or to sell stocks, when they know the opposite is true. There is a difference and don’t you agree that any thinking person should know the difference? Motive is everything!

Then why has the mainstream press managed to convince the American people that George Bush lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq? Does any thinking person really believe that G.W. got up one morning and said to himself, “Oh boy, I know there are no WMD’s in Iraq but I think I will tell the American people there are just to see what happens? The obvious answer is that thinking people do not believe that. If it were true, that G.W. lied—he knew one thing but told the American people another—then where is the accusation, the evidence, impeachment, and then the subsequent criminal trial?

And, where are these valiant Dems, defenders of the Constitution, who should be proclaiming that G.W. is innocent until proven guilty. Why is there nothing but declarations of his so-called guilt instead of declarations of the presumption of his innocence?

Clinton knew one thing and then told the grand jury another in his sex-gate scandal. G.W. acted on the available evidence that so far has turned out to be false. There is a difference. Clinton intentionally lied. Bush did not. It is scary that Americans cannot figure that one out!

3. Type this into your Web Browser: Then click on any of the news stories on the page. At the bottom of the news stories there will a line of links, “E-mail Story, IM Story, Discuss, Printable View”. Click on “Discuss” and read what the Yahoo newsreaders discuss concerning the featured stories. This a “discussion forum” which Yahoo provides. Read a few of these stories and their “discussion” forums to see what passes for intelligent discourse in America.

4. That a minority, the secularists, could so successfully silence the Christian majority in America preventing the celebration of Christmas in public schools, places, or any where else the almighty ACLU decides is inappropriate. Truly the secularists now control America. Not so in Mexico, ¡Gracias a Dios!

So there you have it. More reasons why your humble columnist became an American expat in Mexico.

1. PETA Tells Kids to Run From Daddy; Friday, November 25, 2005; Foxnews
2. Christmas:,2933,177143,00.html

EzineArticles Expert Author Douglas Bower