Kevin Trudeau Fraud or Nutritional Savior

Is Kevin Trudeau a fraud or a nutritional savior? Based on the runaway sales of his book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, you’d think he was the latter – but you’d be dead wrong. Although “Fraud” isn’t really Trudeau’s last name, it should be.

Before reaching thirty, he was already a twice convicted felon serving time in a Federal penitentiary. He had posed as a doctor to gain credibility with bank officials, deposited $80,000 in fraudulent checks and misappropriated (for personal use) $128,000 from customer credit cards.

“That’s old news,” says Trudeau. “I made a few mistakes in my 20s. So what? I also s--- my pants in the third grade. Come on. This is America!”

After being released from prison, Trudeau got caught running an illegal pyramid scheme. Under investigation by 18 state Attorney Generals and the U.S. Postal Service, he was stopped from doing business and fined a half million dollars – a drop in the bucket to the millions he had made at the expense of others.

He then became king of the late night TV infomercials, selling worthless products by playing on people’s hope for a “miracle” cure. By the mid 90’s, he was in trouble again. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) began successfully prosecuting him for fraudulent infomercials ripping off millions of people for millions of dollars.

Trudeau is now banned from “appearing in, producing or disseminating future infomercials that advertise any type of product, service or program to the public” with the exception of informational publications. In addition, he’s prohibited from making any “disease or health benefit claims for any type of product, service or program in any advertising, including print, radio, internet, television and direct mail solicitations, regardless of the format and duration.”

In defiance of his settlement, Trudeau, a convicted felon, outlaw operator of an illegal pyramid scheme and banned TV snake oil salesman, is now claiming to be a “victim of a government conspiracy.” Demanding his right to free speech, he self-published his best-selling book promising to expose “the natural cures for over 50 specific diseases.” But, once again, he doesn’t deliver. The book is just one long advertisement for a “lifetime membership” to his $495 online newsletter.

Trudeau is a real CON artist. After being convicted of numerous crimes, he’s so CONvincing that people can’t resist his hype. This man, who’s ripped off millions of people, is now posing as a “consumer activist” and purportedly preparing himself for a run in national politics. All I can say is “God save America!”

Let’s see Trudeau for what he really is – a criminal sociopath without any moral responsibility, conscience or remorse. Sure he’s charming, but don’t let him CON you. Don’t buy his book. Don’t subscribe to his newsletter. And certainly don’t vote for him.