Know your Man: Being important

“…that is like putting on your own oxygen mask in the airplane before helping the children. You can’t help anyone until you’ve helped yourself first.” ~ Anon

A man is as important as anyone else. His desires, thoughts, opinions should count as much. He is also a spiritual being and deserves to be treated like God in a human outfit.

This is where many men have problems. It seems they work at satisfying their spouses and family, trying to make everyone happy, working hard to provide for them, postponing their life plans to fit the demands of their families, and so on. They forget they are important; they forget to put themselves first. In a recent survey when I asked what they would be willing to do to please their mates, men responded that they would do anything. Anything! Well, this is the story.

My cousin is a good example of this. In fact, I have thousands of good examples. My cousin: loving father; attentive husband; good man. At the time when it was not customary for fathers to play with his children, he would. He worked hard to provide very well for his family. He was successful in his work and very well respected. His wife was a great housekeeper, though probably not a good wife. In my opinion, she was a little like I was: Bitchy, bitchy.

When she mistreated his mother and his family; he supported her, though he was hurt. When she mistreated him; he never said a word. When she decided to spend months in the country with her family, leaving him alone, he supported her. Everything she wanted, he gave to her. Imagine how much pain he went through before he had the guts to tell the wife he would go visit his mother, even when the wife was opposed to the idea. Does this man think he is important? Not at all. How many men like that do you know?

A Word of Advice:

Ladies: Everyone is a child of God and therefore important. Let’s give due to our fellow earthlings.

Gents: Put yourself first. Pay yourself first. Everyone will thank you for this. You will feel important; they will know so.

EzineArticles Expert Author Maria Moratto