Know your Man: Reruns

“When you can sit and have a normal conversation with somebody, you're totally comfortable talking to that person and you know how they act and react. That familiarity translates on-screen.” ~ John Cook

There is something about familiarity that gives comfort to mind and spirit. Like many of us, men love to watch their favorite TV reruns. And flicks, too. Now, I need to say that I have seen Pride and Prejudice, the BBC/A&E version at least 50 times. Every time I watch it, I feel like coming home. Same with Harry Potter.

Of course what inspires us differ tremendously of what inspires men. An example: In the movie “Sleepless in Seattle,” after Sam’s sister overreacts when she describes the movie “An Affair to Remember” to make a point, Sam and his brother-in-law remember how much “The Dirty Dozen” has affected them and how much they love that movie. They remember some scenes and start to cry, to the surprised look of his sister, who certainly can’t understand why they are crying for such a war movie.

My father loved two films: “Zorba, the Greek” and “The Godfather.” I bet he would have loved to watch them over and over again, had this possibility existed when he was alive many years back. My American ex-husband swears by “Big Little Man.” I watched it one day and could not, for the life of me, understand what was so spectacular about it. It didn’t make sense at all. But then again, why try to understand what moves people?

Also, we need to understand that watching re-runs is infinitely better than watching TV. Reruns can be recorded and that means that one can skip all the commercials and other junk that the channels inflict upon us on a daily basis.

A Word of Advice:

Ladies: Let them watch their reruns and if you don’t like to keep them company, do something fun for yourself.

Gents: Pay no attention to complaints, if there is any, regarding your watching reruns. Do what gives you pleasure. Perhaps you could watch a rerun that pleases both of you.

EzineArticles Expert Author Maria Moratto