Know your Man: Support

“Stand by your man,” the song goes. “Love him and be proud of him for he is just a man.” ~ Tammy Wynette and Billy Sherrill

Remember Jackie O. and President Kennedy and more recently Hillary and President Clinton? Despite being public humiliated, they stood by their man. Stand by your man, especially in public. He may have done something wrong, in which case, chances are he will regret it if he hasn’t done so already. Support him but have a good conversation when you have a chance. This is a gesture that will be forever appreciated.

Public disgrace and humiliation are already devastating without the aggravation of having you turn your back at him or put him down in public. The scene that always comes to my mind is the one when Marilyn Monroe sang “Happy Birthday” to JFK at his 45th birthday party.

It was such an obvious teaser, and done on purpose, too. People were laughing. Even he looked embarrassed. And his wife was smiling and pretending she enjoyed the truth of her husband’s indiscretion being thrown at her face. I bet she was devastated inside. Nevertheless, she stood by her man and smiled to the very end of the provocation.

Now, if that isn’t class, I don’t know what is. Though no one is to judge the whole affair, it is certainly that, in the public eye, Jackie was a winner. Situations like this, perhaps in much smaller scale, happen all the time. It is good for a man to be supported by his spouse, at least until they get home.

A Word of Advice:

Ladies: Hurt inside, but keep your class. It is infinitely better to face misfortune standing up, than retaliate dragging on the floor.

Gents: Avoid situations which can be publicly humiliating for you and consider yourself fortunate when your spouse stands by you.

EzineArticles Expert Author Maria Moratto