Know your Man: Waiting

“Time is too slow for those who wait.”~ Henry Van Dyke

The wife says: I'll be ready in a minute. The wife means: Kick off your shoes and take an hour nap.

When it comes to going out, we do have a choice of either having our men wait until we are ready no matter how long it takes or to put ourselves in a cooperative mood and be ready at the same time. We can decide how long it will take us to get ready and start doing so at the appropriate time frame so both of us will be ready at the same time. It usually baffles me how a man can wait for a woman to get ready to go out without having major tantrums or abandoning the outing all together. Sincerely, if I were a man, I would give myself an ultimatum: either I would set a 5 minute waiting window or I would just not go anywhere.

The other day I was visiting a friend and we decided to go out for some spur of the moment wine shopping. My friend’s spouse was very excited with the idea. Ok, so let’s get ready! Well, my friend and I were ready in 5 minutes and then we waited for the woman to take a shower, put her make up on, blow-dry her hair, and choose between several outfits and shoes before she was ready to go. I am not a man and I was mad. My friend was fuming. How inconsiderate is that? At that point I had lost all my sense of humor and adventure. If it weren’t for my friend I would have canned the whole excursion. I think he probably thought the same about me.

A Word of Advice:

Ladies: Please, let’s be more considerate with those who are waiting. If it takes us 1 hr to get ready, let’s start our preparation one hour prior to departure. Think of it as an airport affair. Last minute preparation will make us miss the flight.

Gents: If you threaten not to go or go without her, you need to be truth to your word. Once or twice, if you leave her or give up going out altogether, I am sure she will understand you are serious and shape up.

Or, you can also follow the steps of some famous writers: Have a pen and paper at hand, and every time you need to wait, jot some your ideas down, be it some comments or your philosophy of life; whatever. You can even do the budget. You will soon see that you have a bestseller in your hands, or at least a good autobiography, or something else. Become productive while idling.

EzineArticles Expert Author Maria Moratto