Lessons in Persistence From a Tree!

Man should try and learn persistence from the trees. When a tree is planted (sometimes from god knows where) it vigorously tries to grow. If you try to stop a tree's growth and fail to kill it, it will spring forth from all different angles as much as it can. As soon as you stop it from growing one way it tries again another way, you chop down one side it tries from the other limb. You chop it right down to the ground it starts right over growing again, always using nature and the seasons as a means to assist it's growth. The trees growth if given a chance (even if man wants it to be dead) will be as certain as the sun coming up from the same direction in the mornings.

Each time the growth is stopped in the visible form the growth taking place inside the earth, unseen, strengthens the plant, making each attempt to kill it a strengthening of the roots. This only makes its resolve to grow more powerfully and growth more rapid.

Only a few humans use failures, obstacles and set backs as a strengthening of their inner power. Only a few human develop this inner strength in the face of life's cut downs, restarting, changing and attacks by uncontrollable circumstances. But the ones who develop stability roots and seek the good behind each of life's failure and let every set back make them stronger are usually the ones who grow the most and become the most successful.