Living In The Gap Of Possibility And Purpose: Part 1

Creating a GAP in our lives can be one of the most life enhancing processes we ever do.

The Olympic athlete does it when he or she 'goes for the gold.' The young teenager does it when he or she commits to the career of their dreams rather than settling for mediocrity. And you and I can do it when we clarify what our life on purpose will look and be like.

We create a gap when we take the time to determine with as much accuracy and truth as possible where we currently are in our lives, and then look to see where we truly long to be in the future. It's also often helpful to then look to see what are some of the challenges, and obstacles that are likely to be found between these two points of our current reality and our visionary reality of what's possible.


There are several ways to answer this question because there are several benefits to taking the time to create a gap in our life. For one, it gives us a game worth playing. I've found in my half century plus of living that many of us simply aren't playing a big enough game. We've settled for getting by, surviving, or just drifting through life. And of course, the Universe will support us at this level of subsistence.

However, if we'll willing and ready to play a bigger game, then the Universe will respond in kind.

If the gap we create is consistent with our core values, our vision for what we see possible in the world and the essence of who we are, living in that gap will provide us with a more meaningful and purposeful life.

As we becoming clearer what we want to experience, do and have in our life, this clarity helps to attract the resources we need to fulfill on our visionary reality.

Next issue, we'll explore some of the ways to become clear about where we presently are in our life, and why this is an important step that can easily be overlooked. For now, I invite you to ponder upon these questions:

1 - Do you have a significant gap in your life?

2 - Are you ready to play a bigger game?

3 - If so, what might it be?

4 - If not, what's stopping you from 'going for the gold?'

©2005 Brad Swift of Life On Purpose Institute, Inc. This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this resource box are included.