Money Is Enough Good Enough?

How are you doing financially? Are you making enough money?

Chances are you’ll answer that you’re doing okay. You generally have enough money to put food on the table and pay the bills, and maybe even save a bit for a holiday or rainy day. But why settle for enough?

Do you know what enough means?

It means JUST enough for what you need. No surplus. None left over. No extra. Can’t be any clearer than that.

I've always had enough to do whatever I've wanted. But even though I had enough, often I still didn't do what I'd have liked because then I'd have had less money left. I was looking at my abundance in the wrong way. I was actually keeping myself at the 'having just a bit more than enough level' and doing okay.

So do you want to do better than okay?

If the answer’s ‘no, I’m fine’ then that’s fine too, but I’m wondering why you are reading this. Most people aspire to having more money than what they’ve got. Heck even the wealthy want more of it. The only difference is they don’t hope for more money as desperately as the people with just enough or not quite enough.

In truth you can never have too much money. If you do get too much money, heck it’s easy enough to give away isn't it?

The world is flooded with many trillions of dollars worth of money that circulates every day. There is more than enough for everyone. If it was all evenly redistributed there’d be enough for every man, woman and child to be a multi-millionaire!

For most people just ONE paltry million dollars would be plenty for them to live a life of ease for the rest of their life.

With so much money available in the world it's almost inconceivable that over 97% of it is in the hands of less than 3% of the people on the planet.

How can this be so?

We might come up with lots of reasons why some have so much and yet many have so little but there’s really only one answer at the very root of it.

That is, those few BELIEVE the abundance is there.

What’s that you say? You believe it too. Then why haven’t you got a bigger share if it? I said I believed it too for years yet I only ever had just a bit more than enough. See the problem is we can easily say we believe in abundance because we’d really like to believe in it but the truth is we don’t.

Somewhere deep in our unconscious minds there is a (false) belief that contradicts what we say we believe.

We say we believe that money is abundant and wealth is rightfully ours (and it is). But we don’t really believe it.

Most of our real beliefs are unconscious and every day our autopilot uses them as the programming for our actions. We are totally unaware of it.

So if we really don’t believe that money is abundant we cannot help but act accordingly. That is, we fret over yet another expense, rising prices, and people ripping us off; we baulk at giving those extra dollars to the charity collector; we choose items on the basis of price rather than value; we cut down on our gifts to others and so forth.

The abundance of money (and other things such as love and happiness) which is there will only come to us when we really believe money is abundant. Now before you can change your old ideas to the new beliefs of course, you have to first believe that your real beliefs are:

  1. unconscious
  2. false
  3. holding you back

Then and only then can more of the abundance be yours. I'll give you a chance to mull this over before providing some ideas on how to change old beliefs.