Multi tasking or Multi excusing?

I know you are familiar now with the excuses we put up for not getting things done, or worse, not even getting things started.

Today let's talk about multi-tasking.

You know, the ability to use the same time period for completing one or more tasks.

It really is great. When you do it right.

And it also isn't really new, though that particular term for it may be of a more recent invention.

Instead of thinking about this the hard way, just think of a stove.

You put a pot of water on the stove to boil. As it heats, the room also heats.

That's multi-tasking. :-)

What bothers me most these days is the people who use multi-tasking, or the term anyway, as a reason excuse, for not getting things done, or not getting to other things.

And worse, as an excuse for not doing quality work.

It's great to multi-task. And these days it's almost a necessity, but don't hide behind it.

Here's two things to consider before you multi- any task:

One: Can you really do this task as well, by only focusing on it partially instead of fully? And, is that good enough? --- Might be. Sometimes is for me.

Two: Are you also multi-finishing?

If you are carrying on several tasks at the same time you should be finishing several tasks as well.

Get after it. Do lots of things. Tie them together when you can.

But make sure that the jobs that need your attention are getting that.

And that you are completing more tasks by doing this rather than using this as an excuse.

How about it?

Are you just multi-tasking?

Or multi-finishing?