Not Another Article On Networking (groan)

Networking is “the thing” to do in business. I won’t repeat the benefits of networking here nor the 30 seconds infomercial, as there is much material available about them.

What you are about to read here, is the energetic experience of networking.

Have you ever walked into a room full of people, and feel drained? Have you experienced standing in a room full of people, and suddenly someone enters and all heads turn to look that person? It is all about energy and attraction.

So how can you manage your energy when you network?

First of all, be clear about what your business is all about. Be clear about what your product or service is, and your target customer. Your energies are more focused if your product or service range is narrow, and if you have a specific niche.

Second, be clear about why you are at a networking event. Are you there to network for fun, or network for potential business opportunities? When you are clear that you are networking for potential business opportunities, you will be able to recognize them when they come, and deal with them accordingly.

Third, let go of all expectations of results. When you hang on to expectations, you will be desperate for business. People can feel desperation, and they are repelled by it. Afterall, most people do not like others to hard sell them. Then there’s the energy of lack, of wanting because you do not have what you desire. The energy of lack attracts lack, as like attracts like. What does business success means to you? Think beyond power and influence, as well as money and the things you will be able to buy with it. Think in the end, after all that’s been done, how does it feel? Visualize in your mind and feel with your heart the great feeling of having your needs and wants satisfied. People will be attracted to this positive feeling. Make sure you develop and retain this feeling before you arrive at a networking event.

Fourth, dress for the occasion. Be professional in your dressing, and good mannerisms will follow. What do you want to convey? A neutral colour suit conveys a message of conservatism and trustworthiness. Depending on the nature of your business and the networking event, you may be able to play up your suit by adding a coloured item, such as a coloured shirt, tie or scarf. Clothing and colours are rapport builders. If you are networking with a conservative crowd, stay with darks and neutrals so that you are in rapport with them. If you are in a more relaxed crowd, throw in some reds, yellows and purples.

What happens when you are clear about your business’ offerings and your target market, free of expectations of results while feeling wonderful, and looking your part? Okay – add in the 30 seconds infomercials, handshakes and the standard procedures. Something magical happens. People will be drawn to you because you are attractive. Now, be ready to recognize people who are your prospective customers.