Podcasting Real Estate

Propertycasting is the commercial application of podcasting for the real estate industry. Propertycasting involves the distribution and publishing of audio and video feeds, that offer medical information delivered over the Internet, for on demand listening.

In order to be successful in this area of the industry, quality production must be a key factor. Audio is no longer an acceptable format for presenting Real Estate, a video is a much better sell. Video combined with audio voice overs given by the agent themselves will prove to be extremely powerful in terms of niche marketing to prospective clients.

This is a new step in the evolution of on-demand real-esate information delivery, making it accessible, informative, useful and appealing. This mix presents the real estate industry with a very unique opportunity to reach its target audiences through this new medium. Those individuals, who are already seeking real estate information actively, will use RSS subscription technology built into each podcast feed, to receive information immediately as it is updated by the medical institution. With one click of a button, a user can subscribe to a feed that may be interesting, and any related information that is ever updated to that feed will be automatically processed to their personal aggregator. An aggregator is able to subscribe to a feed, check for new content at user-determined intervals, and retrieve the content.

Once a potentila clietn has chose to receive your feeds, you will have direct access to him interms of marketing your properties. As propertycasting grows in popularity, so will the effectiveness of this incredible tool.