Power Of The Written Word (Part II) Constructing A Sentence That Produces Impact

In our last article we discussed about the necessity of the language for expression and the force that written word can become.

Here we continue, uninterrupted.

A written sentence has to convey the fullness of the meaning without any help of gestures or voice modulation available to the spoken word.

This led to development of the rules for written language. First and foremost is the grammar. If your writings do not follow these rules they won’t be read. Grammatical errors are acceptable in our conversations but when it comes to writing it is an unforgivable mistake.

Correct spellings are another requirement of a good writing. Spelling errors popularly referred as typos (We are now in a world where people type more than they write!) spoil the taste of good reading .One must watch for these errors.

Everybody hates spelling mistakes. It does not matter whether the people themselves are good at it not. Food should be perfect for everybody’s palate irrespective of their culinary knowledge.

The last requirement of a sentence making is the use of right words.

There is not much scope for alteration and leverage as for as the spellings and grammar are concerned. So it is the combination of right words that makes a writing unique.

One must strive to choose the optimum set of words for the sentence within the framework of the grammar. The need varies from one writing to another and many a words can be used with different meaning attached it them in different perspectives. But to make a good writing careful selection is a must.

One has to choose wisely. Pause and ponder deliberately to look for the options best suited for your sentence and narration.

Words have originated at different times in different cultures. These words carry with than a subtle aura or personality and they import this aura to the sentence which they are put in.

Let us have an example.

Wealth, money moolah or cash! There are so many terms to describe money.

But each of them does brings a little different impact on our brains. This is because though our upbringing and culture we start imparting a different image to different words. This difference could also be due to difference in intelligence and cultural background.

But because the language is passed from one generation to another in a rather clear cut and organized manner the words themselves leaves an imprint on the learning mind provided we take out other variables. This imprint or image is then generated back each time the word is encountered.

Every writing would incite a response in the reader. That is the aim of the writing. That is what a good writer wants.

If you are writing a sales copy the effect should lead the readers to the sales. Better you use your words better is the copy and its desired effect. Same goes for a webpage, e-book, email or anything you write. The factor that will differentiate a bang from thud is the right use of the words.

How far did you penetrate the minds of the reader will depend mainly on the words that you used to create the writing if we keep the reader related factors (for example education, intelligence, culture, language proficiency etc)

The choice of words will ultimately depend upon your style and vocabulary you have. Style comes from your personality and inferences you carry. Vocabulary comes from constant reading and inculcation.

We will discuss these aspects in next article.

Till Then.

© copyright Arun Pal Singh