Prevent Self Harm

When you are depressed, it is very easy to find ways to hurt yourself. Not just mentally or emotionally, but physically. This can range from the minor – banging your head against the wall, to the major – cutting yourself or even attempting suicide. Obviously, this is dangerous behavior no matter how minor it manifests itself and you need to find ways to prevent it.

The first thing to do is identify your self-harming behaviors. It is not enough to identify what you do, but you should identify when you perform these behaviors as well. By identifying both parts of it, then you will be able to start working on ending the behaviors.

Most of the time, these behaviors are stress-induced. The best first step is to try and find alternative stress-reducing activities. However, sometimes, the most important first step is eliminating the tools. If you frequently use a razor or specific knife to cut, then remove them from your home. If that isn’t possible, find alternate ways to act out this behavior as you try to eliminate it. Try finding harmless ways to act it out, using pillows or other soft objects that won’t cause pain.

In the meantime, it is important that your psychiatrist and therapist know about this behavior. Your doctor may prescribe medication to help you with your stress levels and your therapist will be able to work out the causes of your stress with you. Even in the short-term, you need to be able to work on the stress in a more productive manner and your therapist will be able to help you work on techniques for that.