Pyelonephritis 10 Things you Should Know

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of one or both kidneys, usually due to a bacterial infection. Follow these steps to avoid, spot and treat Pyelonephritis to avoid long term damage to your kidneys.

1. Pyelonephritis is thought to be caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract through the urethra. These bacteria may cause bladder and urinary infections. Pyelonephritis is more commonly found in women simply because of the physiological construction of the female genito-urinary system. Good toilet hygiene minimises the risk of bacteria entering the urethra and going on to cause problems

2. People with Diabetes are more prone to urinary infections, probably because the higher glucose levels in the urine encourage the growth of bacteria. Sufferers therefore need to be particularly vigilant for any sign of infection.

3. Partial blockages of the urinary system encourage infection and such infections will readily migrate to the kidneys if ignored. Such blockages may be caused by an enlarged prostate gland in men or pregnancy in women.

4. Kidney stones may also lead to Pyelonephritis as they harbour bacteria. Bladder tumours may also cause obstruction.

5. It is possible that bacteria entering the bloodstream in any part of the body may be deposited in the kidneys leading to Pyelonephritis.

6. If undergoing any form of catheterisation or investigation through the urethra a genito-urinary specific antibiotic should be taken as a precaution.

7. Pyelonephritis manifests as intense pain that begins in the back, just above the waist and then moves down to the groin.

8. A high temperature, shivering, headache and the frequent painful passing of cloudy blood stained urine are other symptoms for which to watch.

9. A Doctor must be consulted. This is not something you can treat yourself. As well as treating the infection and inflammation the Doctor will want to run tests to establish the underlying cause of the problem.

10. Pyelonephritis is treated by a short course of oral anti-biotics. However, sufferers of repeated bouts of Pyelonephritis may be treated with antibiotics for longer periods and may need to undergo further tests as, although it is rare, it may lead to scarring and damage to the kidneys.

Do not hesitate, at the first sign of blood in the urine go to see your Dr and remember, the symptoms of pyelonephritis are less obvious in children and as a result the problem may go undiagnosed until permanent damage has been done to the kidneys. Parents and Primary Caretakers must be vigilant and seek treatment at the first sign of any problems.