Religious Support For Depression

Why is this happening to me? Why am I suffering? Why does it feel like the universe is against me? These are questions asked by people suffering from depression. And it might seem ironic, but sometimes, you can find support in turning to religion. If you are religious, and belong to a temple or a church, then you should start there. However, if you do not belong to a religious group, but want to try and find support, then choose a group that has a large population. They might be running group sessions.

You also want to try and find a clergy member who you can relate to, and feel comfortable talking with. While this person will not be replacing your therapist, you can discuss things of a more religious nature. You can also discuss matters of spirituality that might not come up in therapy. Issues relating to God and your disease might fit in better here. This will allow you to talk to someone who can offer a different perspective on things.

You might also find that going to services will be a comfort to you. Praying for yourself, or for others, may provide the positive feelings that you crave. If that is the case, then you should continue going weekly. Making it a daily experience might be over-kill, but most traditions have prayers that can be said at home in the morning and/or evening. That would most likely be productive as well. In this way, you can use your religious beliefs to encourage mental health.