Reprogram Your Mind for Success and Happiness

Do you want to improve your life? Of course you do! It's part of human nature to be forever striving for a better life, for happiness and for fulfilment. The good news is that it is perfectly possible for you to be happier and to achieve more with your life.

First you need to discover what is holding you back. These will be the beliefs that you hold about yourself. Do you believe you are too old, too fat, too stupid, not good enough, or any of a thousand other beliefs you could hold about yourself?

The human mind is a terrifically powerful tool, and every one of us was issued with one at birth! However, it's no good having a Ferrari if you can't drive. In the same way it's not much good having a mind if you don't know how to use it properly and for your benefit.

Throughout your childhood the people around you have programmed your mind, some deliberately, most unwittingly. Teachers, parents, siblings and friends, have all had an impact and have moulded your beliefs and your self-image. They will have told you hundreds of times messages such as 'you're so clumsy', 'you'll never amount to anything', 'you're useless' and even less apparently damaging messages such as 'he's the clever one', 'she's the sporty one'. All these messages, over time, become accepted into our self-image. They become what we believe we are.

Let me tell you something: These messages are NOT TRUE. They probably weren't true even when you were a child; they are certainly not true now that you are an adult.

It's time for you to reprogram yourself. It's time for you to choose what you want to believe about yourself and your capabilities.

You may have been to your doctor, tried therapy or even a life coach. These people can only do so much. Ultimately it is up to each individual person to make the most of the life they have been given. It is up to each individual to help themselves.

One of the quickest ways to reprogram your beliefs is through the use of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you write and/or say many times. The repetition is necessary in order to overwrite the messages that you received hundreds of times during your childhood.

So, having decided what limiting beliefs you currently have about yourself, rewrite them, turn them around, and create empowering and positive statements that state the beliefs you want to have about yourself.

Then write these new statements out and put them where you will see them often. Read them aloud. Even better, read them to yourself in the mirror, with enthusiasm and positive emotions. Write your affirmations 10, 20 even 30 times at a time, several times a day. Really imprint these new beliefs into your mind.

As you start to believe the new statements about yourself, your behaviour will change, you will start to take risks where you didn't before, and you will start to speak up where you used to be silent. And, as a result, your results will change. Life will become more of what you want it to be; you will be happier and more fulfilled.