Sales 101: Learn How to Close the Sale

There have been countless books written, audio and video programs recorded and seminars created for the sole purpose of teaching salespeople how to close sales. While there are a great many ideas to be gleaned from each of these sources, the art of closing sales does not need to be that complicated!

Remember that a customer is not yet your customer until they actually buy something from you. If you then desire to keep them as a customer, you will also need to be certain that they are happy and satisfied with you, your product or service as well as your customer service department. Until the sale is achieved, they remain a prospective customer or a prospect.

Closing should be the natural result of an effective and comprehensive sales plan involving proper qualification of your prospect, sufficient pre-approach research, proper questioning to understand the customer's needs, a successful presentation of the features, advantages and benefits (FAB's) of your product or service, effectively handling of any objections and then asking for the order. The closing segment is simply an ongoing part of the process, one that should naturally result from successful implementation of the earlier steps.

Trial closes, smaller closes built into the presentation leading to the final close, are actually an integral component of the presentation process itself. These trial closes are simply points in the selling process where your prospect agrees that moving forward in the sales process is a good and worthwhile decision. Each is an affirmation that you, the salesperson, are on the right track.

Selling is actually the process of helping your prospect to buy. The job of the salesperson is to help clarify their particular need and properly match the product or service to meet or exceed that need. Since many people do not like to make decisions, our job is simply to help them decide that by purchasing from us, their need is met in a most satisfying manner. They must clearly see that the value they get from your product or service exceeds the money that they will spend in acquiring it.

"Closing the sale" simply means "asking for the order." If you don't ask, the answer is always "no." Closing of the sale is a natural step in the selling process. It should not involve any apprehension or fear on your part. It is the right thing to do. It amazes me how many salespeople will do everything else properly and then fail to ask for the order! There is nothing to fear. In most instances, the prospect is waiting for you to ask for their business. Do not let them down. Ask for the order.

Again, "closing the sale" simply means asking for the order. Assuming that you have performed the preceding steps properly, "asking for the order" is a natural segue and should flow without hesitation. Don't be embarrassed or fearful to close. Your customer expects it. Your sales will not grow without it.

EzineArticles Expert Author Daniel Sitter