Say Goodbye to Fear and Hello to Success

Does fear prevent you from doing the things you want to do? Does it prevent you from making major changes in your life? All of us get stuck some of the time. It takes a lot of effort and faith in yourself to get unstuck.

The following four techniques can help you say "goodbye" to fear and "hello" to success.

1. Believe in yourself. Stop playing those old "tapes" in your head. The best way I have found to do this is to read inspirational and motivational books and then start practicing what they preach. Take an idea one step at a time. Try at least one new thing each day. For example, if you have difficulty talking to strangers at a party, set a goal for yourself that you will talk to five strangers at this party. Maybe, all you say is "Hi" and smile at first. But the more you do it the easier it becomes. The challenge is how do you react when one of those strangers does not acknowledge you? You smile and go on to the next person. That is important. If you can do that, then you have made one small step towards eliminating the fear of rejection from your life. I discovered that if I make a game of it, it becomes fun. I set a goal to talk to ten strangers at a networking event. When I reach my tenth person I feel good. I have accomplished my goal.

2. Find others who believe in you. Don't try to make major changes in your life without a support team -- positive thinking, motivated friends and associates. You need to verbally share with your support team your fears, your hopes, and your goal. Make sure these friends are good listeners. You don't want advice. You want a team that will encourage you and motivate you to continue with your dreams. Above all, avoid negative people who are chronic complainers.

3. Take small steps. Identify your three biggest fears -- the ones that are holding you back from getting what you want. Then begin taking small steps to overcome each fear one at a time until you succeed. The more you do what you fear most the easier making a change becomes. For example, the first few weeks on a new job are full of pain and anxiety. However, as soon as you learn the job and know everyone you no longer fear it. Once you experience the benefits of the change, your pain and anxiety disappear.

4. Learn and grow continuously. Much of our fear is fear of the unknown. If we attain the education and gain the experience needed, many times we can overcome the fear. So, read, listen to learning CDs and teleseminars, attend seminars, go back to school -- whatever it takes to help you overcome your fear and get on with your life.

What a wonderful feeling it is when you have overcome a fear. Apprehension, pain and anxiety disappear. You are mentally free to now concentrate and focus your time on positive goals in your life. Finally, believe in yourself, be creative, and discover that change is fun when you let go of the fear and do it!