School's Out: Creative Ways to Keep Children Entertained Over Christmas Break

For most children, the holiday-break starts somewhere during that last busy week of holiday preparations. With excitement at an all-time high, you will need to plan activities for their excess energy in advance. Try these ideas to keep kids entertained as you finish your own to-do list.

You’ve got mail: Let children send electronic Christmas cards. Print out e-mail addresses for family and friend and log-on to This site has many amusing cards (including dressing a reindeer) that will please children and recipients alike.

Reward program: Consult your Holiday Notebook for tasks left undone which children could conquer. Create a “point” system and let children earn points for chipping in to help. Use a formula like 100 points = $1.00 and take the children shopping to “redeem” their points when the post-holiday sales begin.

Guessing games: A creative centerpiece idea is to have children wrap miscellaneous items from their room or extra items in the house (a CD, a Lego®, a pencil) in holiday paper. These can be arranged as a festive centerpiece. Children at your get-together can then try to guess what each item is while adults enjoy a cup of coffee after dinner.

Assigned Seating: Let children create place cards by folding cardstock or cardboard in half. Bring out the markers, glitter, sequins, magazines, and anything else you have handy. Let their imagination run wild. If your family has a good sense of humor, let young kids draw pictures of each guest. Guests can try and identify their “assigned seat.”

EzineArticles Expert Author Brook Noel