Seven Reasons Why You're Just Not That Into Him

"He's just not that into you." Have you heard this statement? Maybe it's time to look at some important and perhaps missing elements in your self-worth. I think it is time to rediscover your dignity, self-respect, and "I've got better things to do" attitude, rather than hope for someone to come around who's just not that into you.

If you are dating someone who is showing you a blatant lack of interest, here are seven reasons why he is not available and why you are not that into him:

* He talks about his Ex...excessively.

He brings her into every conversation, every chance he gets. This is called baggage, and until he unpacks it, (works it out), he will carry it with him wherever he goes. This is a big reason he is not present and available.

* He is evasive about his work.

His work is unclear. He has not had steady employment for the last few years, has not been at one job for more than a year or two, and has no realistic plans for the future. Furthermore, he's talking about moving in with you.

* He rushes the relationship.

If he talks about marriage and a long future with you on the first date, he is probably desperate and is looking for just anywhere to land.

* He shows flashes of temper.

If the guy you are seeing shows that he has a bad temper or gets in angry moods for what seems like very little reason, run, don't walk, to the nearest exit.

* He never asks about your life.

If he never asks you questions about your life, or rarely wants to listen to your thoughts on any subject, and just generally uses you to vent to,...ask yourself why you would want to be with someone who's not that into you.

* You don't come first.

His list of priorities does not have you at the top. TV sports, buddies, parents, children, or other activities come before you do and he shows no signs of shifting his focus.

* You must always be available for him.

He expects you to be loyal and available to him, yet he checks out other women who walk by; has an unlisted cell phone number he doesn't give you; and spends hours on the computer but doesn't tell you what he is doing when he is there.

If you recognize any of the above just aren't that into him. You have better things to do. And if you are tied up with this guy, the great guy you want to meet who is looking for you too, cannot find you. deserve better, and you can have better, if you treat yourself better.