Seven Signs You'll Never Meet Someone

Do you think that there is just no one out there for you? The latest census in the U.S. puts the number of singles at 110 million. But if you feel hopeless about your situation, when you hear that statistic, a little voice in your head might be heard to say..."Yeah, but they don't live here in my town."

There are seven warning signs that tell you if you will be successful in meeting someone. In fact, this is how you spell W.A.R.N.I.N.G.:

* W is for Waiting.

Waiting for Mr. Right to knock on your door and sweep you away to a new life, or going to a party and waiting for Miss or Mr. Wonderful to find you, while you stand there mute and detached, will just keep you waiting. No one is going to find you. You have to find yourself, and then determine what you want. Turn that W for waiting into a W for Will Not give Up, and you become very attractive.

* A is for Assumptions

As a single, it is easy to make assumptions. You may assume that your friends and coworkers know that you want to meet someone since you have been alone for a long time. You may assume that if they knew someone they would introduce you. False. You have to ask people to introduce you. And when they forget, ask again, nicely. People get busy with their lives and need to be reminded. Some people won't know anyone...but sooner or later, if you tell enough people, someone will know someone.

* R is for Running away.

If you do not have the life you love, you may be trying to run away by finding someone to take care of you, ease your burdens, and make you happy. This is a big sign that you will not find the person of your dreams, but rather, someone else who wants to be taken care of. (Like attracts like.) Instead of searching for the ideal person to make you happy, become the person you are looking for, make yourself happy, and notice how attractive you become to everyone.

* N stands for "No," as in saying no to what doesn't work for you.

The word no keeps activities, people, and places that are toxic to you out of your world. When you say no to what is not right for you, you can say yes to what is.

* I stands for Isolated, which is what singles become if they are not careful.

It takes, energy, planning, and courage to get out there, over and over, and meet people. It feels easier to stay home with the dog, watching TV, than to go out and have to talk to others. No one says you can't stay home and enjoy yourself. But if you want a have to date. If you want to date, you have to develop your friendly factor, get out, go places, and network.

* N is for Negative.

No one wants to be around negativity. Listen carefully to your words; pay attention to your thought; examine your beliefs. Stay focussed on being cheerful, positive, and what is right with you.

* G is for Growth.

Stagnation is very unattractive. Personal growth, insight, and learning from the lessons life has delivered is what carries us into our new relationships of meaning and depth. Seek those who can teach you and open new windows into your inner self.

These seven warning signs tell you if you will be alone the rest of your life. If you don't want to be, heed these signs and change your course...which can change your destiny. Someone is out there for you.