Southwestern Landscape Art An Investment?

Are value, workmanship, quality and beauty worth the price of admission into the world of investing? Are the master paintings of the art world worth millions? Can you get in on the ground floor of investing with southwest landscape art? How much is the art of today’s artist worth?

Consider the time and effort that one takes to produce a piece of art work. A thrown can of paint on canvas, 10 minutes. Or a fine art landscape painting that took many long arduous hours or even months to produce. Of the two is not the latter worth more?

A true Investment grows in value over time. If one can see the beauty in that value over time is it not worth more? Buy low and sell high, is the motto of the investor. In today’s market the under valued will gain the most.

But how does one judge the price of fine art today. Original , giclée or print which one is the best to own? Blue chip, mutual fund or penny stock? Compare the price that one is willing to pay and invest to that of what can be gained. One needs only to judge what he or she sees as the ‘value is in the beholder’.

The southwest artist of today put many long hours into their craft. Few craftsmen and women of today get the recognition that they truly deserve. Look upon the price of workmanship that goes into a fine art piece. The every day survival of trying to live while producing today’s masters in oil.

If a painter spent 40 hours a week for 4 weeks to make one painting and sold it for $2,000 then he would have made a whole $2.50 an hour. This is the price of true craftsman ship. The southwest artists of today are still working their trade but at such a cost.

Today’s investors are missing a huge opportunity. But most are interested only in the ‘quick buck’ of today. Online galleries make finding that investment of tomorrow even easier than it ever was. One only needs to be sitting at your desk to find today’s deal of a life time.