Story Structure: Die Hard (1988) Deconstructed

The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon – understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.

The Hero's Journey:

· Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

· Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

· Interpreted metaphorically, laterally and symbolically, allows an infinite number of varied stories to be created.

The Hero's Journey is also a study of repeating patterns in successful stories and screenplays. It is compelling that screenwriters have a higher probability of producing quality work when they mirror the recurring patterns found in successful screenplays.

Story Structure: Die Hard (1988) Deconstructed

This analysis is best understood by watching the film simultaneously and with a good nuderstanding of the Hero's Journey...

Introduce the Hero and the Mentor; Mentor gives the Hero a Magical Gift [we meet John McClane on the aircraft; make fists with your toes].

Hero's Status and Capabilities [he's a cop].

Hero on a Journey [with a teddy bear; to see his kids].

The World of the First Threshold [party at the Nakatomi corporation].

Meet the Romantic Challenge and the Shape Shifter [Holly and Harry]. Shape Shifter challenging the Hero for the affections of the Romantic Challenge [Harry hits on Holly].

Inner Challenge and other Allies [the kids want Daddy home; marital troubles]; Romantic Challenge referenced [good idea to make up the spare bed].

Hero views the World of the First Threshold [“California!”].

Meeting Allies [meeting Argyle].

Develop character of Allies [getting to know Argyle].

Back story of the Romantic Challenge [Argyle elicits John and Holly's back story].

Viewing the Inner Cave [John POV's the Nakatomi tower from outside].

Figure of Authority (Threshold Guardian) explains the rules of this New World [the security guard].

Entering the inner Cave [John enters the party].

Strange and Magical Creatures in the inner Cave [John looks around and meets the corporate suits].

Meeting Allies [John meets Joe Takagi and Harry].

Meeting his Romantic Challenge [Harry meets Holly].

Polarity between Hero and Romantic Challenge established [“show her the watch”].

Develop the relationship between Hero and his Romantic Challenge [“kids would love to have you at the house”].

Intercut: with:

Foreshadow of the Adventure [Karl et al on their way].

Enhance polarization between Hero and Romantic Challenge [“since when did you start using Miss Jeniro; change your idea of what our marriage should be…”].

Meeting the Antagonist [Hans et al arrive and take over the building].

Reminder of the Magical Aid [“fists woith your toes”].

Reminder of the Romantic Challenge [the picture of the kids].

Enhancing the Antagonism [the phone is cut off; John loses touch with Argyle].

Defining the characters of the Antagonist's Team [Karl and his brother].

Call to Adventure [Hans et al shoot up the building and take hostages; John has to think.].

Meeting and developing the Antagonist [we meet charismatic Hans; nice suit; benefits of a classical education…]

Magnitude of the Outer Challenge developed [Hans kills Takagi].

Refusal of the Call [“this cannot be happening!”; John reacts to Takagi's death].

Near Death Experience. [John battles and kills Karl's brother].

Foreshadow of the future Near Death Experience [“now I have a machine gun”].

Antatgonist's plan proceeds.

Foreshadow of the Road of Trials [John gets Hans' name].

Antagonist and Lieutenant relationship developed [Hans has to control Karl].

Resistance to the Physical Separation [“this is a restricted channel…”].

Meeting the Mentor [we meet Rod].

Conflict preventing the Physical Separation [John battles Karl on the roof].

John jumps to the other elevator shaft.

Karl almost shoots John in the air conditioning vent.

Meeting the Mentor [Al looks around].

Al shoots some more villains [“next time you want to kill someone..”]

Physical Separation [Al needs backup assistance..]

Meeting the Reporter: Thornburg.

Hero and antagonist confrontation [John and Karl communicate..]

Thorngburg wants the story.

Meeting the Oracle: Hans has lost the detonators.

Meeting the Mentor: John talks to Al.

Mentor's challenge: Al's boss turns up.

Antagonist and Romantic Challenge confrontation: Holly meets Hans.

Road of Trials 1: SWAT try to enter the building; RV blown up; John drops the explosives; the building blows.

Back story of the Antagonist.

Trial 2: Deputy Chief of Police confronts John [“I'm not the one who got butt fucked on national TV”]; “you hang in there..”].

Hero Mentor relationship development; reminder of the Inner Challenge: John and Al talk about their kids.

Trial 3: John tries to save Ellis.

Mentor's challenge developed: Al confronts Dwain.

Journey to the Sword [Hans goes to get the explosives].

Foreshadow / Build up to the Master of two Worlds: the FBI arrive.

Seizing the Sword: John meets and confronts Hans upstairs.

Near Death Experience [John has to run over the glass].

Reward [Thornburg gets Mclane's family details].

Atonement and Apotheosis: Hans toys with the FBI; they'll turn off the power and open the lock.

Refusal of the Return [resistance to shutting down the power grid].

Inner Challenge overcome [John tells Al he loves Holly].

Rescue from Without: John realizes they're going to blow the roof; Karl catches John

Magic Flight [Hans runs; Agents Johnson in the helicopter].

Crossing the Return Threshold [FBI shoot John on the roof].

Master of the Two Worlds [Argyle punches out Han's Lieutenant; John confronts and kills Hans; the fall].

Freedom to Live: John meets Al outside. Romantic Challenge conquered [Holly calls herself Mrs McClane].

Final Catharses [John and Al shoot Karl; Holly punches Thornburg].

Learn more…

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Kal Bishop, MBA


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